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Questions tagged [bishops]

Questions relating to the Bishop.

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Why is Bc8 "interesting"? What's the plan for Black if this move was played?

[Fen ""] [Startply "49"] [StartFlipped "1"] [Title "Rasulov - Naroditsky, Titled Tuesday 2022-08-16"] 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.O-O O-O 5.d4 d6 6.c4 Nbd7 7....
pageman's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Slav / Semi-slav Bf4 is bad?

In a recent game I played 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 (Semi-slav), then as White played Bf4 because I didn't know any theory. Lichess analysis board says this is a non-trivial opening ...
qwr's user avatar
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How can I implement a Magic Bitboard Generator in Java?

I am currently working on making a Chess Engine in Java and have tried to implement a Magic Number Generator. However, the generator always seems to get stuck on a certain index and can't get past it. ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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Who was the first player to state that bishops are more valuable than knights?

Was this concept ever implicitly understood, like controlling open files with rooks?
Jamieson's user avatar
2 votes
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White defense against bishop check in b4

I'm a low ranking player and always wondering why for example after: [FEN ""] [StartPly "8"] 1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 e6 4. Nf3 Bb4+ white often plays Nc3, so why this and not ...
Alain BUFERNE's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why is the next best move Nf3, instead of moving Bg5?

I have reached to this position starting from Queens' Gambit, and in this position Stockfish 14 is suggesting that the next best move is to bring my knight out instead of moving my dark squared bishop,...
commonSense's user avatar
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Is there a name for the pattern when a bishop on the fifth rank is driven back to the third rank by pawns?

I've noticed a common theme in games where a bishop placed on the fifth rank winds up retreating to the third rank as it's threatened by pawns. (as the black player this would be a bishop on the ...
Paul Martin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Nimzowitsch and the defensive theory of open lines

I have read from Nimzowitsch over and over again how one could use a file as the basis of a restraining operation. All those who know his work know what I speak of, but good players at all levels ...
Achbiter's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

g4 pawn push to remove bishop pin - why is it good sometimes? (specific example below)

In the following position, why is g4 so powerful (+4.1 according to stockfish), when g4 is normally considered a weakening move? [Title "Why is g4 so powerful here?"] [fen ""] [...
Johnny's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Why is it better to control a vertical/horizontal than diagonal?

I'm trying to truly understand why Rooks are more valuable than Bishops. Yes, they control more squares. But why? I understand that a rook forms a line that pieces cannot pass through, and this is ...
Alec's user avatar
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1 answer

Checkmate with two bishops of same colour

Is it possible to checkmate King with two bishops of same colour in the endgame?. Is it possible in Chess to get this position in reality? Position: King with Two bishops of same colour V/S King.
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Why exchange bishop for knight in this endgame?

In this position, Stockfish gives black (me) -8.1 and recommends BxN. 8/5p2/4pkpp/p1n5/Pp6/1Bb1PP2/2PNK2P/8 b - - 7 28 Instead I played Kf5 and the evaluation plummets to -2.1. My understanding was ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
13 votes
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Why is Bb8 better than Bc7 in this position?

[fen "r2q1rk1/pp3ppp/n1pb2b1/2Pp4/3Pn3/P2B1N2/1PQ2PPP/RNB1R1K1 b - - 0 12"] [Startply "20"] e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. O-O O-O 8. c4 c6 9. Re1 ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is there ever a reason to promote to a bishop? If so, what is it? [duplicate]

Is there ever a reason to promote to a bishop? If so, what is it? I understand why one would promote to a queen, rook, or knight. I won't go into why here, see other questions. But why would one ever ...
Starship's user avatar
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Is better to lose a knight or a bishop when taking a queen/rook

I don't completely understand how knights and bishops (according to have the same "piece value." If I were to be taking a queen (or rook), should I give up my knight or bishop? So ...
Peter Winn's user avatar
4 votes
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What happens in a King-Rook vs King-Bishop with a perfect play in a no pawn endgame?

Suppose both the kings are left in a fairly neutral positions with just rook at one side and a bishop at the other side. What is the outcome if both the sides play correctly? Can a side with only ...
iammilind's user avatar
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4 answers

Bishop and Knight exchange with opponent's Rook and pawn

Chess games statistics In Chess, Are there advantages or disadvantages of exchanging your Bishop + Knight with opponent's Rook and Pawn in middle game? Knight 3 points Bishop 3 points Vs Rook 5 points ...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
5 votes
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Trading bishops [closed]

In many cases a bishop pair is stronger than a bishop and a knight or two knights. The question is, if both sides have already traded one of their bishops, losing the bishop pairs, should the other ...
CAN GÜLLÜ's user avatar
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Are bishops and knights more powerful than rooks on an 8x8x8 board given these rules?

Let's say that on an 8x8x8 board rooks can move any number of spaces, only moving through one dimension at a time. Bishops move the same number of spaces in exactly 2 dimensions at a time. Knights ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
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Why does stockfish give "-28.8" as the evaluation number for this position?

[FEN "5K2/8/5k2/5b2/6b1/5b1b/4b1b1/7b w - - 0 1"] This game is an immediate draw by insufficient material (Doesn't Stockfish know this?). I am wondering what the reason behind the score &...
Zuriel's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How do you remove the annoying bishop on h3?

I got this game today (Me white): [fen "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] 1. e4 d5 2. Nc3 e6 3. exd5 exd5 4. d4 h6 5. Be2 Nf6 6. Nf3 Bd7 7. O-O Qc8 8. Bf4 Bd6 9. ...
insipidintegrator's user avatar
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Why exchanging light-squared bishops is an inaccuracy here?

In the following position, Stockfish 14 says the move 1...Be6 is weak, with the score going from -0.4 to +0.7. [Title "Black to move"] [FEN "r1b1kb1r/p4ppp/2p5/1p2P3/8/1BP5/P4PPP/R1BK3R ...
antonro's user avatar
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How do you deal with Black's light-squared bishop when it's out of the pawn chain and not exchanged in the London?

I usually have problems with the light-squared bishop when Black takes it out of the pawn chain and doesn't exchange it, but instead either protects it with the e-pawn: rn1qkb1r/ppp2ppp/4pn2/3p1b2/...
antonro's user avatar
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How to deal with Black's dark-squared bishop on d6 in the London system

I have problems when black places his bishop on d6 in the London. Take for instance the following game: r1bq1rk1/p2n1ppp/2n1p3/1p1pP3/2p5/2P1P1B1/PPBN1PPP/R2QK2R w KQ - 1 12 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 { D00 ...
antonro's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Bishops standing on their toes

Another silly idea: [FEN "1B1B1BkB/B1B1B1B1/1B1B1B1B/B1B1B1B1/1B1B1B1B/B1B1B1B1/KB1B1B1B/BNB1B1B1 w - - 0 0"] How many bishops must be removed such that the position is won? How long does ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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The ultimate decision of the eternal bishop vs knight question

The following is...disturbing. [FEN "bbbbkbbb/bbbbbbbb/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] Black is about 15*3-38, say 10 units up (as Black will also grab a pawn and exchange on b2 or ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Attacking the Spanish Opening

I'm studying the Spanish opening by developing some possible attacks against it and seeing how it could resist those attacks. In the below position, White has moved the light-squared bishop from f1 to ...
Ayoub Falah's user avatar
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Can the "bishop pair advantage" be supported by statistics?

I heard a lot about the advantage of having a bishop pair and I am interested in the statistics about this. More specifically, if we collect a huge number of games (master games only, or games ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Knights on c3 & f3, bishops on d3 & e3 - what is this called, and is it sound?

Sometimes when opening I fall into this odd rut of developing knights to C3 and F3, and bishops to D3 and E3. (Or, as black, C6, F6, D6 and E6). For instance, the position after 7.Be3: [FEN "&...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Would bishops be stronger or weaker on the same coloured squares?

Assuming one or both players makes a mistake and transposes a bishop and the adjacent knight when setting up the board, would this help or hinder them? The answers to this similar question suggest it'...
llama's user avatar
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What does "control" mean in a chess problem? [duplicate]

When interpreting the instructions to a chess problem, is a piece automatically considered to "control" the square it's on, even if that square isn't threatened by any friendly piece, and an ...
Admiral Jota's user avatar
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What is the name of this unconventional opening?

You start by moving the knight's pawn on either side to b3 or g3. Then you do the same on the other side. Ideally, you fianchetto the bishops into both triangle pawn formations. [FEN ""] 1....
Christian T.'s user avatar
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Why does stockfish suggest bishop pins on knights early on?

Stockfish suggests the following pin for me (white) against the queen on the night. However, whenever I play this move in real games black just kicks the bishop off with pawn to h6. I end up just ...
Graham Casey Gibson's user avatar
10 votes
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Does "juicer" mean bishop?

I watch many videos of Hikaru Nakamura and I hear very often the term "juicer." Is it a slang word to refer to the bishop?
Konstantinos's user avatar
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I'm new to chess-what should be done here to win the game?

[FEN "8/8/8/8/3k1KB1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] I am new to chess and have no clue as to how to win this game. Which moves can be done with what is on the board in order to win? Could anyone explain?...
Dick Rogbi's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Why does Stockfish recommend this bishop exchange early on?

When reviewing my games on Lichess, I very often find the Lichess engine recommending to me to sacrifice the bishop early on after checking the enemy king. I have created a sample game where you can ...
Xatenev's user avatar
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Bishop sacrifices to prevent castling

I have neen playing a higher amount of online chess as opposed to club chess lately and something I have noticed is a significant increase in Bishop sacrifices to prevent kingside castling. Here is ...
Dheebs's user avatar
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Maximum number of knights populating a chess board so that no knights are attacking one another

The 8 queen's puzzle is a well-known puzzle involving placing 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen attacks another queen. It is more or less obvious that 8 is the maximum number of queens that ...
Scounged's user avatar
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Bishop of same colour for a player [duplicate]

In chess rules, once the pawn reaches 8th position, the player can take a Bishop even when he/she has the same square colour bishop? I mean Can a player have same colour bishops on the chess board? ...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Checkmate with 3 bishops vs 1 bishop

I know that you can mate with two bishops, but I do not know whether it is possible if White has 3 bishops, and Black has 1 bishop. Is there a general method? If so, is it possible for White to ...
user avatar
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Is it possible to win with a king and one bishop vs a king?

Are there any possible moves to checkmate a Black opponent if we have a White bishop and king?
Kiran Malvi's user avatar
7 votes
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Why is Bd6 better than Be7, Bc5 and Bb4?

[FEN "r1bqkb1r/p4ppp/2p2n2/3p4/8/2N5/PPP1BPPP/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 1 9"] Be7 protects knight from getting pinned, Bc5 pins the pawn on f2 after Whites, castles, and Bb4 pins the knight. Whats ...
Shreyash Talpade's user avatar
2 votes
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How to decide whether to exchange (good/active) bishops

I have read about exchanging bishops for knights and inactive bishops for active one. I still don't know how to decide when both sides’ bishops are seemingly equally active. For instance, I have read ...
antonro's user avatar
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Magic bitboards: My indexing doesn't seem to work! [closed]

I am beginning to understand magic bitboards. I have successfully implemented them with Rooks, and I am currently working with Bishops. The method is very similar though. Problem I have a bishop on g7 ...
Kieran Montgomery's user avatar
6 votes
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Why pin knights early in the opening?

I am a beginner amateur player, and I have been thinking about openings. On lots of occasions the opponent pins the white knight on Nc3 or Nf3 (as black) or the black knight on Nc6/Nf6. What is the ...
winawer's user avatar
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Theoretically, why is 4. Bd3 NOT one of the best candidates in Caro-Kann?

I seem to find 4. Bd3 to be one of the best choices in Caro-Kann. [FEN ""] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Bd3 My reasoning: White's light bishop can only develop to Be2 or Bd3. Be2 seems passive. ...
Ritesh Singh's user avatar
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Identifying “big pawn” bishops

I use to trade my bishop pairs for opponent’s knight pair most of the time. But since my recent peak of interest in the game, I have been doing studying and learning. Thus, the bishop is one of my ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
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Are there illustrative examples where a conventionally "bad bishop" leads its side to a win?

I was looking the Chess glossary and two words brought curiosity : bad bishop and big pawn. Where the later being the condition that occurs when you have a bad bishop. One thing i noticed was bad ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
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How do I keep my bishop pair in this Ruy Lopez line?

I am learning Ruy Lopez. And I always play Ruy Lopez opening while I am playing with the white pieces. I recently played the game with Ruy-Lopez and my moves are [FEN ""] [StartPly "10"] 1.e4 e5 2....
kedar sedai's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Opposite colored bishops endgame: Is this a draw?

[FEN ""] [Event "Rated Correspondence game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.02.26"] [Round "-"] [White "mathwhiz16"] [Black "theMortician"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2020.02.26"] ...
Quintec's user avatar
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