Now it's fine either as percentage of all FIDE players registered or just as number itself (like either 1/100k players are rated above X, or 23 players rated above X, respectively). Let's say by their peak rating and not necessarily current one.
If unclear what I mean, let's take an example: Last time I checked there were 10 players who reached a rating of over 2800 ELO at some point in their career. I don't know how many FIDE players there are, but if, say, a million, then rarity here is 10/1,000,000. Or we could simply use the number 10.
Now I'm looking for something similar but in a table, like with +2700, +2600, and all the way down. Do you think such information is available? Thanks.
edit: I wanted specific numbers which the other thread had not provided. I am happy with the answer I've chosen now.