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-7 votes
2 answers

Who is not cut out for chess?

What if someone studies for a few years and only gets a triple digit rating of 400 or 800? They will probably remain a wood pusher for the rest of their lives, so playing is a waste of time. For ...
denzo__yamada's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Why not use computers to evaluate strength of players?

A computer like Stockfish can evaluate the rating performance of individual players based on a game. Why don't we take the average rating evaluation of a player's games to measure the player's ...
Unipolar Personality's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How does the Glicko rating system correlate to Elo?

I was wondering what the "rating" difference was in the Glicko, and Elo rating systems. Are they close to the same amount/number, or do they heavily differ?
Jonah Hodge's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does the Elo I gain from games fluctuate so heavily?

When I am playing on, the amount of elo I gain or lose from each game seems to be randomized, due to the fact that I gain less and lose more elo, when playing against players with a higher ...
Jonah Hodge's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is my performance low even with a high accuracy on

I am a chess beginner and recently played a game on in which I had an accuracy of 90.6% which is even higher than some games of GMs on the site. However , the elo performance was still 1300 ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

I just made a chess bot. Is there any way for how to calculate the ELO of my bot? [duplicate]

I just made a chess bot. Is there any way for how to calculate the ELO of my bot? I need to make it easy and fast. It's just a weak chess bot I build in Scratch that I built for like 3 days. It would ...
1250andimproudofit_'s user avatar
0 votes
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Should K be reduced when playing the same person often?

(Lets assume all these players are in their 30s and have been playing chess for many years, with no recent changes in how they train.) Say we have 7 players who play each other in an isolated club ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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What mathematical modelling was done to justified the asymmetric "k" for under 18s in the rating system used by the English Chess Federation?

In the English Chess Federation (ECF) implementation of Elo, an under 18 player gets a K of 40 when improving but a K of 20 when not. This is a nice simple solution to young players improving faster ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Now that FIDE's anti-deflation rating adjustments have been done, what do they look like?

The background is covered in this question and the accepted answer. The changes were delayed until the March list. Comparing charts for the number of different players at each rating level before and ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cheating with team order

To my best knowlegde mere permutation of team order is pointless (at least by German rules here): everyone playing too low loses by default, everyone too high is a weaker opponent than in the "...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Skill degradation

I am 27 years old and have been playing chess since December 2020. I won a semi-rapid (25+5) tournament under 1500 FQE (chess federation in Quebec) 6 months ago. I took a break from November 2023 to ...
Dimitar Zhekov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

USCF rating floor exploitation

If I understand the Elo system correctly, the outcome of a game produces a zero-sum change in ratings between the two players. But in the case of when the losing player is at his floor, new rating ...
Duke Leto's user avatar
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0 votes
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Opportunities to Play Online Chess with Grandmasters for a 2000 Elo Player

I'm an avid chess player with an Elo rating of around 2000, and I'm interested in exploring opportunities to play online chess against Grandmasters. Are there any online platforms or tournaments where ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Are Elo ratings comparable across history?

It is fun to speculate how the great players of today would fare against those of the past. With the advance in knowledge of the openings, particularly aided by computers, a leading modern player ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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What is the maximum theoretical (and practical) limit to an engines Elo? [duplicate]

If I'm not wrong, Chess #1 is at 2800 something, (Magnus) And the #1 Engine is Stockfish, with something of 3200-ish. What I'm asking that is there any theoretical limit to the elo? yes, I know, Elo ...
10xyz Coder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What happens if my initial rating is below 1000?

If I were to play 5 FIDE rated games against players rated 1000 and I scored half a point in all of them; Will my FIDE rating still be calculated but shown as unrated? What happens if I play more ...
Sami Yousefvand's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Why do boys become better than girls?

From my experience in tournaments until the age of 11-12, the playing strength of boys and girls is pretty similar but after 13 the difference becomes noticeable. Why is that?
Cerise's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What are FIDE really hoping to achieve by the proposed rating changes from January 2024?

FIDE have published a new article: FIDE seeks public discussion about proposed rating changes. They say: In the past decade, certain innovations have caused rating deflation, a concern that has been ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is the average strength level (ELO) in Lichess anonymous?

I occasionally play lichess anonymously to just hang out without having to worry about winning and tarnishing my record, however I am bad at guessing players' elo.
Lixue Zhao's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Is Elo conserved?

Does the average elo of a group that plays only amongst themselves stay constant? For example, say 100 players start with 2000 rating and they play only amongst themselves many times. Will their total ...
Indigo1729's user avatar
1 vote
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How does a player's fide rating change calculated for previous month's rating even in the next month

This is a follow-up question to this asked some time back to which I didn't quite understand the given answer. I'll take an example A certain player had rating 2422 on Sep 2022 according to the chart ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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6 votes
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Book series to improve

I have an Elo score of about 800 and I am looking for book series to improve (projecting even up to very high scores). Do you have any recommendations? Possibly even more than one series, so as to ...
Luckenberg's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How many games would Magnus Carlsen need to win to get an ELO of 3000?

For the purposes of this question, assume that he wins every game. Go according to his current schedule. Assume the opponents keep their current rating. If you run out of schedule, assume the rating ...
Starship's user avatar
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Which websites have a ranking and/or a rating list for correspondence chess without engine help?

I am looking for websites that have a ranking and/or a rating list for correspondence chess without engine help. Which ones do exist? For example, has correspondence chess without engine ...
Beginner's user avatar
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Could you raise your score arbitarily high by only playing against much weaker opponents?

Obviously the community would accept or acknowledge such a hack ... but mathematically would it work, or does the Elo system have something to prevent this? My impression is that, very roughly ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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2 answers

Is your actual Elo rank integer-based or decimal-based?

I'm sure that the published rankings are reported rounded to the nearest integer! But for the purposes of the calculation of the next rankings are the Elo ranks of GMs considered to actually be those ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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3 answers

Is the decline in chess strength in a GM as they age similar to their ascension or different?

I mean, given that GMs or other strong players (I choose strong players because their peak rating vs low has "more data" than that of weaker players but it probably relates to weaker players ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Fide Ratings Commercial Use

Can I use fide ratings data for commercial use? I am specifically asking about the ratings list fide publishes every month. Also wondering if I scrape individual player-opponent statistics from fide ...
Danny's user avatar
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Is it possible to obtain the GM title directly without going through norm process in 2022?

I have seen people get direct GM titles especially in Zonal tournaments. Here for an example achieved the GM title after winning the 2016 African Chess Championship. Wikipedia page for the Grandmaster ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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How rating changes happen for tournaments starting near the end of the month?

For simplicity I will try to explain my question with a real example. The 28th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters was held from 2022/08/17 - 2022/08/25 and therefore the ratings changes ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is Stockfish 15's FIDE calibrated Elo rating?

Elo rating only makes sense based on the population of players. So I wonder, has Stockfish's Elo been calculated in a pool including humans or human-calibrated engines? Related: How accurate are chess ...
qwr's user avatar
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Are cyborg (human+computer) players really better than the best chess engines?

I saw this rating score chart recently: Is it true that cyborg chess players are (that much) better than the best chess programs by themselves?
2080's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What Elo rating does The Chessmaster 2000 have?

A recent agadmator video pitted The Chessmaster (NES) against Stockfish 14 NNUE. What is more impressive to me is that this chess engine, released originally in 1986 and written by David Kittinger in ...
qwr's user avatar
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"Variance" of Elo rating

What is the quantitative predictive value of Elo rating for tournament performances? (Or, same, what is the natural strength variabitity of an average player, measured in Elo?) A quantitative version, ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How Universal Ratings can become much higher than FIDE ratings

From what I understand Universal Ratings takes into account all Standard, Rapid and Blitz to give a universal rating. But I don't understand how it can be much higher than any of the FIDE ratings. For ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to estimate my ELO without joining an organization or anything?

I would like to know if it's possible to get a rough idea of what my ELO is and how accurate those methods are. For example, I did one of those "chess tests" and the results it gave me didn'...
M1976's user avatar
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1 answer

What do we know about the statistics of 1-vs-team chess games, like Kasparov vs The World?

Kasparov vs the World was a chess game where Gary Kasparov played against many people on the internet. Gary won. I am basically wondering if 1-vs-many chess games have been done systematically, and if ...
user56834's user avatar
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466 views ELO weirdness

I was rated 1140 in rapid, playing against an 1145. said 8 points were at stake, so a win for should put me at 1148 and my opponent at 1137. I won and my ELO did become 1148, but my ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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How does a single player have 2 different FIDE accounts

When searched Yu, Yangyi you get 2 results. One is the top Chinese super GM. The other is an unrated player with Blitz rating 2544. Both have different Birth days according to FIDE but when I checked ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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How is it possible for a player without 2500 ELO to obtain the GM title?

I recently came across a GM who has a peak rating 2495 and has obtained the GM title after completing three norms. From my understanding, in order to become a GM one must Achieve a FIDE rating of ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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Why are unrated players counted as rated players in this FIDE rated event?

I came across this event where unrated players are also counted as rated players. Below you can see that every player has a rating of 1824 but when you view the tournament there are a lot of unrated ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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7 votes
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Elo disadvantage due to one pawn move in Indian Chess

In Indian chess, the pawn doesn't move two squares, however in the western chess, pawn can move two squares. Now, since the pawn can't move 2 in the Indian style, the fianchetto is a natural square to ...
shoonya's user avatar
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4 votes
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An abstract Top 1 player rating vs time

How the highest Elo rating has been changing over time? Is there such an abstract data? Preferably FIDE rating. I've been trying to find a graph or a table, but all I can find is a list of peak ...
klm123's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Distribution of Elo ratings

Danger! Only for math buffs! As we all know, Elo is Gaussian. In theory. Except it isn't. But my question is not about that distribution. Your Elo might also list a second number: the number of ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rating system (glicko, elo, etc): is 'predict the outcome of games' the same thing as 'reduce the number of upsets'?

From Lichess page 'Chess rating systems': Question: Which rating system is best? Answer: The purpose of rating systems is to predict the outcome of games. Therefore, they can be objectively better ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Rating effect on no-show

In a long time control (90+30) team championship game I showed up on time but wrong city and lost the game - will this affect my rating? I arrived at the wrong location and missed the game.
Muleskinner's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why is Magnus Carlsen's Elo rating not higher, given that his win rate is so high?

Magnus Carlsen's Elo rating is about 2870, and according to this quora answer, he hasn't lost a game in 100 games at the time of writing. Assuming that his win rate hasn't changed since then, and ...
user56834's user avatar
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4 answers

What sets the absolute value of players' Elo rating?

I understand that the way the Elo updating process works, if player A has a 66% chance of beating player B, then A's Elo rating will converge to be 100 higher than B, and so forth for 74%, ... etc. ...
user56834's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why is 'Elo' sometimes capitalised to 'ELO'? [closed]

Why is 'Elo' as in Elo rating system sometimes capitalised to 'ELO' when it's a last name and not an acronym? I notice people don't say GLICKO, for example. Some (heavily downvoted) reddit posts: ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Why Aimchess rapid 2021 match results do not contribute to rapid ratings?

I used to check player ratings updates on which is usually promptly updated, often within few minutes from the match end (at least during the last FIDE world cup this was ...
Paz's user avatar
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