I recently played Lichess game that left me confused.
My opponent had 1 second left on the clock when the game was suddenly drawn. There was no repitition nor was the 50-move rule invoked. Did the program cheat me?
I recently played Lichess game that left me confused.
My opponent had 1 second left on the clock when the game was suddenly drawn. There was no repitition nor was the 50-move rule invoked. Did the program cheat me?
This was a draw by threefold repetition.
The final position:
6k1/pp1r2p1/2n4p/3p4/3P4/1BP1R3/PP3PPP/6K1 w - - 19 37
had been repeated three times in the game.
It first appeared after 32. ... Kg8
, then after 34. ... Nc6
and finally after 36. ... Nc6
Although players normally have to claim a draw by threefold repetition manually, Lichess performs the claim automatically if the time left on their clock is below some predefined threshold. Since your opponent only had 1 second left, this is likely what happened.