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9 votes

Can one feasibly calculate the Glicko rating of a player by just using a pen, a paper and a calculator?

Of course it is possible! All the functions needed for the calculations are available on a scientific calculator, e.g. square root, log, value for pi, etc. The Wikipedia page should get you started. ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 100k
2 votes

Is there any (free) online tool for calculating Glicko-2 ratings after a game?

This is now published in streamlit share Calculation #1 Calculation #2
ferdy's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I calculate the ratings match-by-match or batch of matches?

What I wanted to know was does it make a difference if you calculate the results one by one or as one batch? According to Professor Mark E. Glickman - The Glicko-2 system works best when the ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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1 vote

Glicko-2 Rating System: Bug or exploit?

All rating systems have problems in real life. At best none of them can do more than approximate a guess at your ability. They will do better at the GM level as those players are more consistent and ...
edwina oliver's user avatar

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