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37 votes

Why don’t chess engines use Node.js?

Here is a link comparing C++ to Node.js from this question on Stack Overflow. To answer your question: C++, while more difficult to write, is way faster than basically anything else.'s user avatar
35 votes

Why don’t chess engines use Node.js?

Node.js isn't a language; it's a framework on top of JavaScript. It's also not fast, certainly not compared to compiled languages like C++ or Java. Nor is JavaScript easier to use than compiled ...
jwenting's user avatar
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30 votes

Is there a good program to play chess online in ubuntu?

On ubuntu, you can download Firefox, Chrome, or any other browser of your choice. From within that browser, go to,, or, create a free account, and play against others ...
NoseKnowsAll's user avatar
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29 votes

Why can a chess move improve the chance of winning, according to the computer?

If the computer was capable of evaluating every line of play right to the end of the game, the evaluation would never change. Indeed, the evaluation of every move would be either "win", "lose" or "...
David Richerby's user avatar
27 votes

Why does Lichess only tell me my "inaccuracies", "mistakes", and "blunders", and not e.g. my "brilliancies"?

It's really hard to tell what a brilliancy is. For example, you might try to say that a brilliancy is a move that's much better than any other move on the board. Well, if you offer me a queen ...
David Richerby's user avatar
27 votes

Why don’t chess engines use Node.js?

To add onto the comments: Node.js and Python are higher-level languages/frameworks, used as "glue languages" for machine learning frameworks that just serve as human-friendly wrappers to ...
qwr's user avatar
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24 votes

Is a Finite State Machine a good way to model chess?

Yes, I think so. You'd have all possible board positions as states (so lots of states, but finite). The starting position as an initial state. Legal moves as links between the states (so the "...
RemcoGerlich's user avatar
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23 votes

Why does Lichess only tell me my "inaccuracies", "mistakes", and "blunders", and not e.g. my "brilliancies"?

Here's why computer analysis (on any platform) can not find brilliant moves. They don't exist. Now, I recognize that this seems very counter-intuitive, but bear with me. This has to do with the ...
Brandon_J's user avatar
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23 votes

Render a chessboard from a PGN file

You can use the SVG rendering functionalities of python-chess. This will allow you to create a SVG-formatted visualisation of any board position loaded using python-chess. FEN to SVG For example, ...
Ellie's user avatar
  • 12k
21 votes

Chess software to analyze games

One of the problems with chess-analysis software for weaker players is that it just shows the strongest move per the computer, without any explanation why. There are some programs, like the ChessBase ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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21 votes

Is a Finite State Machine a good way to model chess?

Finite state machines can be described as the recognizers of regular languages. You could perhaps identify chess with the set of all possible game records. For example f3e5g4Qh4# (the fool's mate) is ...
John Coleman's user avatar
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17 votes

App which transforms chess moves into chess positions

What you're looking for is software/website that allows you to load or import PGN files. The Lichess Analysis board, for example, supports exactly what you want: -- below ...
MikeD's user avatar
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15 votes

What would be the elo of a computer program that plays at random?

Right at the bottom of the Computer Chess Rating List for the 40/4 time control is Brutus RND, an engine that simply selects random legal moves.
James Hollis's user avatar
15 votes

High-quality (not bitmap) diagram software

As thb pointed out, you need vectors. I suggest you use a python-chess to generate SVG vector images. Prerequisites: Python 2.6+ or 3.3+ Python-chess: Install form pypi using pip: pip install ...
MrFregg's user avatar
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15 votes

Downloading Games From Lichess

Lichess has an API which can also be used to download games. For example:{username}?max=3&color=white This will download 3 most recent games played by {...
Sleafar's user avatar
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14 votes

Why does Lichess only tell me my "inaccuracies", "mistakes", and "blunders", and not e.g. my "brilliancies"?

You are being compared to perfection Your every move is being evaluated by a chess engine with super-human playing-strength. The default is to compare your performance to its own super-human ...
hkBst's user avatar
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13 votes

Is the dead position problem solvable?

Computer detection of dead positions is much trickier than people think. It is unlikely that an algorithm exists that runs in reasonable time and is 100% accurate. It is easy to check for a simple ...
Remellion's user avatar
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13 votes

Why is Apronus allowing the White king to castle through an attacked square?

I happen to be the author of the chessboard editor under discussion. Let me clarify the issue. This editor is supposed to enforce legal moves but it has a bug which prevents it from being able to ...
MichalRyszardWojcik's user avatar
13 votes

Is a Finite State Machine a good way to model chess?

may the game of chess be considered a finite state machine? Yes; this is a good insight. A FSM is an abstract model of computation with the following characteristics: The machine begins in a known ...
Eric Lippert's user avatar
13 votes

Is there a free online chess repertoire tool?

In addition to the other answers, there are a few sites to consider. These include annotation and comment features as mentioned by the OP. Upload a PGN and then you play the computer ...
SecretAgentMan's user avatar
12 votes

Is PGN split utility available anywhere?

As of 2017.04.01, pgn-extract (version 17-38) does provide variation splitting functionality via its --splitvariants flag. So, if you want this in a Windows/Linux/Mac OS environment it is available. ...
kentdjb's user avatar
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12 votes

Can a chess engine tell you why a move is bad or good?

Sort of (but not really) - and it's actually getting harder for engines to do this for you. To understand why, you have to understand how the evaluation goes. Engines typically can make snap ...
Kevin's user avatar
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12 votes

How does engine strength scale with hardware?

Multicore is important for chess engines, but it doesn't scale forever. Up to certain depth, no matter how much hardware you have, you just don't have enough computational power Yes. Scaling is ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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12 votes

Why don’t chess engines use Node.js?

This is more of a question for Stack Overflow if you ask me... But since I've come here from there and I'm a software engineer and avid chess player, I'll try to explain. This basically boils down to ...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
12 votes

Am I misunderstanding the --materialz option on pgn-extract, or is it not quite working right?

This is a bug due to sloppy copy-and-paste of code on my part and failure to test games involving promotions. If you wish to apply the fix yourself to the source of v21-08 (and earlier) then in the ...
kentdjb's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there a good online opening training software?

I think that has what you're looking for. I use it to drill openings and it works really good. Enter moves on the board or click them in the Live Book. Mark a move to add it ...
Sederqvist's user avatar
11 votes

Do major chess publishers use custom software for typesetting chess books?

This is less a question about chess, than a publishing question. The answer is: No. The publishing industry largely uses publishing software (open source, and proprietary) to publish books, ...
user34445's user avatar
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11 votes

Why don’t chess engines use Node.js?

Node.js is just a JavaScript (JS) runtime environment that is basically just Chrome's V8 JS engine, with the APIs (set of standardized commands for interacting with something) only needed for a ...
Eugene's user avatar
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10 votes

Website or program that creates puzzles from blunders in your past games

I don't know of a single program that does all that. I do it myself with following steps. I save most of my games in a pgn file. The interesting ones, esp. my losses, are analyzed by Stockfish. The &...
dlemper's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I scan a chessboard and obtain its FEN?

This website has a chess ebook reader available for scanning chess diagrams from PDF: Additionally they also have browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox which is really ...
Amit Dash's user avatar
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