I have heard numerous times that stated that India was the inventors of the original chess. I have also heard that the origin was in the Middle East. Sometimes I heard that the origin was in Arabia. As I have heard many things I wanted to know the right answer. If there is no right answer, please give the closest guess.
3 Answers
I agree with the comment that the question is too broad.
However, in the spirit of helpfulness, these pages:
may be useful in addition to Wikipedia.
agree..broad ?..info for fun. There are 13 different claims to the origin of chess. No proof. Earliest documentation--600 A.D. Chaturanga - 4 sided game in what is now India. In this authors opinion chess was originally a 2 player game changed to a 4 player game then back to a 2 sided game. Trivia-the one peice that has not changed apperance or move pattern-knight..last major rule changes....Q & O-O..France 1400s. Source "A Short History of Chess" by Henry A. Davidson m.d.1949