FIDE has just published the May 2020 rating list which brings the ratings up to date for games played in April. The rating file can be downloaded from the FIDE download page.
Many countries have locked down some time in April (due to the current pandemic) and chess is no longer played. Some countries haven't locked down and chess may still being played. How has this affected the numbers?
A short explanation of how FIDE counts games.
Suppose I have a rating and I play two games, one against Jim Unrated and one against Jane Rated and I draw both games.
In Jim Unrated's record his game against me will be recorded because if he has enough games and reached a high enough level then his game against me will be used to calculate his rating. Even if he didn't qualify yet it will still be recorded to be used to calculate his first rating sometime in the future.
In Jane Rated's record her game against me will, of course, be recorded. The result will be used to calculate her rating adjustment.
In my record the game against Jane will be recorded because that affects my rating but the one against Jim won't be. He is unrated so our game won't affect my rating.
So, between the three of us we played 2 games but that will be recorded as 3 "half games".
I have some statistical questions regarding these “half-games.”
1) How many half-games of standard time control were played in April?
2) How many half-games of rapid were played in April?
3) How many half-games of blitz were played in April?
4) How do these numbers compare to March?
Note that some chess was played in April. For instance the Nigerian national championships was played. It was a 10 player all-play-all which started on 30th March and finished on 3rd April.
Sweden is also a country where there has been no lockdown and (some) chess has continued. Here is an example of a tournament which is played over several months but in any case lasting more than 90 days (looks like a club tournament where one round is played per month, started in October 2019) Round 7 of Horndal KM 201920 played on 15th April.