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3 answers

Why did Bobby Fischer make his demands in the 1975 World Chess Championship?

Many topics ask about Fischer's demands in the 1975 World Chess Championship between him and Karpov, but I've never found the reason Fischer made these demands. In particular: If the result is 9-9, ...
user30475's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why did Bobby Fischer resign his title?

I was wondering about this question for a while. Why did Bobby Fischer resign his title?
Awesomemortality's user avatar
9 votes
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What were Fischer's 179 demands for a World Championship rematch?

According to this video (at 4:25), Bobby Fischer made 179 demands for a rematch for a World Championship, after he won the title. What were those 179 demands?
wwl's user avatar
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Why didn't Spassky play 26. g3 in game 5 of Fischer-Spassky (1972)?

Fischer's play was powerful in this Nimzo-Indian, achieving a strong knight against two bishops in a closed position. The knight became a monster on f4. But why did Spassky let the knight reach f4? ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why isn't Gata Kamsky considered the first American since Bobby Fischer to fight for the World Championship?

As in the title above, since we read it everywhere about Caruana... why isn't Gata Kamsky considered the first American since Bobby Fischer to fight for the World Championship? He played Karpov in ...
A. N. Other's user avatar
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Are there any chances that the Fischer who reappeared in 1992 was not the real one? [closed]

As in title above, are there any chances that the Fischer who reappeared in 1992 (and then later on), was not the real Bobby? If this is not the case, what do you consider as "proof" that he was ...
A. N. Other's user avatar
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Fischer vs Sherwin Game - 1957

In this game Move # 32 Sherwin play Rxh7 and this move makes him lose the game, so why he didn't play Rxf6? is this mistake from him? or something I didn't get. [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/...
mokayyali's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Change of venue of 1972 match

In 1972, when Fischer and Spassky played the championship tournament, Fischer demanded to play the games in a ping pong room stating too much distractions as his reason. Later (if I am not wrong) he ...
Dark_Knight's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Why did Bobby Fischer quit chess after the match with Spassky?

I am not asking about the 1975 "resignation" to Karpov, but for which reasons did Bobby Fischer gradually lose interest in competitive chess after becoming World Champion? Jews or not Jews, he did not ...
A. N. Other's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

In Spassky v Fischer '72 game 11, why is 14. Nb1 considered such a great move?

In game 11 of the 1972 World Championship, Spassky as white moves his Knight back to its 14. Nb1 starting position. Apparently, this moved was received as 14. Nb1!!. But to me, it seems as a simple ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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