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Why does Stockfish only gives -28 to a game with only a W pawn and a B rook remaining, while it should be resolved in perfect play?

In this position (W resigned) with only a pawn and a rook remaining Stockfish should have resolved the game and say "Mate in xx" (with perfect play). However Stockfish is said to have ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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How do Stockfish levels work?

I read on some Lichess forum that Stockfish levels use limited computation time and search depth for lower levels. However, it seems like Stockfish also every so often inputs mistakes and blunders, ...
qwr's user avatar
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Why is Bf8 a blunder in this position?

Here is an analysis of a game I played recently in app. I won this match in move 19 as the opponent resigned. Please see the image attached for the position. On move 16, after White ...
brownser's user avatar
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Stockfish blunders away a piece

Using stockfish_8_x64 with Arena 3.5.1, I see a weird pick by Stockfish. Start here: White, Stockfish, to move. It plays bb6-g1,losing the bishop and the win. Also strange: the same engine ...
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