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Questions tagged [evaluation]

The evaluation of a given position

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Can stockfish provide analysis with non-standard pieces like knooks?

I wanted to know if stockfish can provide evaluation if there are non-standard pieces like knook?
Curious Iitian's user avatar
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929 views AI says I lost opportunity to win queen but I can't see how

I moved e7 bishop. I can see the move suggested is better but can seem to see how it would win a queen
rosh3000's user avatar
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3 answers

How to compute variance of a set of Chess move evaluations

Introduction You are given a set of Chess move evaluations. They contain centipawn values and also mate values. For example, an example set: [#1, +234, -17, #-4] The above example contains the ...
Mo Beigi's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does this quiet position with material in White's favour not favour White?

I was experimenting with SF static evaluation and found that the following position is evaluated as slightly in favour of Black. [Title "White to move"] [FEN "3qkbnr/p1pp1ppp/8/...
user21820's user avatar
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Engines and blocked positions

Take your typical totally blocked position, like this one: Is there an engine today which, on an ordinary laptop, is capable of assessing it as 0.00 in a few seconds? Position for testing: FEN (White ...
Alessandro Della Corte's user avatar
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How to make engine evaluation show difficulty of finding right move sequence, not just who's better with perfect play?

Inspired by a recent video where Magnus Carlsen was surprised that the engine thinks his position was a draw. Even top players may find a position considered winning can actually be drawn with perfect ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
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Piece values derived computationally [duplicate]

I've read that pieces in chess have values, I think it was the book Chess in a Nutshell, from my childhood. For example, see What is the origin/history of the traditional piece values?. Has computer ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is this position so good for Black?

[Title "White to move"] [FEN "4r1k1/pp3pb1/2r3pp/8/3R2PP/2N5/PP3P2/1K4R1 w - - 0 27"] This position is from the TCEC Season 26 superfinal, game 21 with White to play. It looks ...
Allure's user avatar
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extract pgn games containing comments into a separate file from a master database

pgn-extract is a fantastic tool and I use it a lot. However, I couldnt find an option to extract games containing comments (e.g. evaluations) into a separate file from a big master pgn database that ...
Jake Snake's user avatar
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How to add engine evaluation to a pgn file?

I have pgn file of thousands of game, with the clock only, every move have comment like this, this is a pgn file downloaded from lichess: {[%clk 0:10:00]} I need to add engine eval to every move like ...
sharp12345's user avatar
8 votes
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Statistical distribution of centipawn losses

I am wondering what function describes best the statistical distribution of centipawn losses in human chess games. (I do not mean the average centipawn loss for a completed game, but losses of single ...
Nikodem's user avatar
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How to train an efficiently updatable neural network (NNUE)?

I've been working on my own chess engine for a while now. It uses standard minimax search. I've trained a convolutional neural network as a static evaluation function, and I've had some good results ...
Nonlinear's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to understand evaluation

I'm looking at this position. [Title "White to move: +10"] [StartFlipped "0"] [FEN "r3kb1r/2pnp1p1/p3Bn1p/8/Np1Pq3/4B3/PP21PPP/R2Q1RK w kq - 0 1"] Material is even, and ...
Martin Argerami's user avatar
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Training data retrieval

I am currently developing a chess engine which uses minimax algorithm to evaluate chess positions. In addition to this I want to improve my current static evaluation with reinforcement learning. I ...
Martin Šváb's user avatar
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How do I test my static evaluation function?

I am programming a basic chess AI, within it I have my evaluation function. It is simple, only uses piece square table values, and does basic calculations for the pawn structure and king safety. How ...
bbqribs's user avatar
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What is this wide split in the Kmoch nimzo between stockfish's evaluation and master-level move choice?

In the Kmoch Nimzo Indian (sometimes called the f3 nimzo) [FEN ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. f3 d5 5. a3 Bxc3 6. bxc3 c5 (6... dxc4!? 7. e4) The move 6...c5 is the most popular ...
Awalrod's user avatar
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Why does Stockfish only gives -28 to a game with only a W pawn and a B rook remaining, while it should be resolved in perfect play?

In this position (W resigned) with only a pawn and a rook remaining Stockfish should have resolved the game and say "Mate in xx" (with perfect play). However Stockfish is said to have ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Is there any engine that is capable of evaluating the worth of a single piece in a given position?

The value of any piece is dynamic and depends on many factors in the position. Engines can evaluate the position as a whole with great precision. They are also capable of "understanding" ...
B.Swan's user avatar
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Rating decreased suddenly without reason, FIDE rating displayed wrongly in the website can anyone have such Problems

My son's rating opened when he played international match during August 2023. The rating was displayed in FIDE website on the last date of August, and it was 1156. Later on September he played another ...
Bio's user avatar
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Why is this knight outpost from a Semi-Slav an inaccuracy?

[fen "rn1qk2r/4bppp/p1p1pn2/1p4B1/3P4/2NQPN2/PP3PPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 12"] I played Ne5 which I thought was reasonable as it targets c6. But Stockfish 14+ goes from +1.1 to +0.2. What is the ...
qwr's user avatar
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Why is Nf6 a blunder here?

With Nf6, I'm trying to bring my Knight out. If the Bishop takes it, I can take the Bishop with by g7 pawn. Why is this a blunder?
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How are piece phase values for tapered evaluation/phase calculation calculated?

On the chessprogramming wiki site for tapered evaluation, there is the following code snippet for how engines calculate phase: eval = ((opening * (256 - phase)) + (endgame * phase)) / 256 PawnPhase = ...
wdk23's user avatar
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How to implement Zobrist tables?

I am making a chess engine and trying to implement Zobrist tables into my engine. From what I've read, my understanding is that you first calculate the Zobrist hashcode, then get the modulo of the ...
wdk23's user avatar
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Stockfish evaluation bar like

I programmed my own chess website and I have Stockfish included (v16) to play against. I’m trying to make an evaluation bar like on but I can’t seem to figure out how. I thought about using ...
SneaZy's user avatar
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4 answers

Why 6.Qf3 is bad in this game/position?

I played this game a few days ago with a friend of mine which is quite stronger than me. I also report here the position after 6.Qf3 to clarify a little bit more, in the game I was white: [title "...
ela's user avatar
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How do we exactly establish if a position/center is "open" or "closed"?

The question is closely related to this one, but not exactly the same, since in that question the topic is addressed perhaps more from a computer science point of view. During my chess studies I ...
ela's user avatar
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Is there any positional assessment that includes a factor for how difficult it is to play the correct moves?

As I understand it, current positional assessments by computers evaluate a position based on optimal play by both players from this point. i.e. a trap moves that bait an opponent into making a mistake ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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Extract evaluation data from Stockfish in Cpp

I am working on a chess player-rating system based on engine evaluations. As part of this I would like to extract evaluation data from Stockfish for the top 10 moves in a given set of positions. ...
Enforce's user avatar
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Why taking the knight on d5 in Alapin Sicilian is not so good for white

I'm going through some preparation of the Alapin Sicilian. Studying the opening I reached this position: rnbqk2r/pp2bppp/3pp3/3nP3/2BP4/5N2/PP3PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 2 8 In which I wonder why it isn't ...
ela's user avatar
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Winning position after move one?

Question: There are 400 possible two-ply openings; that is, positions that can arise after each player has made one move. Which of these positions, if any, are winning (either for white or for black)...
Ravi Fernando's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Why doesn't Stockfish announce when it solved a position as a book draw similar to how it announces a forced mate?

I notice that when Stockfish has solved a position to mate it announces that checkmate is unavoidable in some number of moves so it's impossible to mistaken a position Stockfish has solved as a win ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
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A complex eight pieces opposite color Bishop endgame

The position, derivated by a variation of the Alechkine Defense, Four Pawns Attack, is the following: [FEN "3b4/8/1k2B3/6pK/P7/8/6PP/8 b - - 0 1"] Black to move. Stockfish 14.1 NNUE gives ...
Stefano's user avatar
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8 answers

Why don't chess engines take into account the time left by each player?

Firstly, I am not suggesting that there is anything wrong the way engines are implemented at the moment, by analyzing only the current position regardless of time left by the players. This is great ...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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Why does Stockfish evaluate this position as completely lost?

After thinking for a minute my copy of Stockfish evaluates the position below as +4.7 for white. Why does the computer hate black's position so much? I know that all things being equal, black should ...
Keeley Hoek's user avatar
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Why does stockfish make these strange recommendations?

The FEN is: r2qk1r1/ppp2p1p/2n1bn1Q/4p1B1/8/2P4P/PP1NpKP1/R5NR b kq - 0 1 Clearly black is winning because the white bishop can be captured (with a discovery available if white recaptures). However, ...
wim's user avatar
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6 answers

How to analyse positions more accurately as a total beginner?

In this position I thought I was winning with white, like +2 or +2.5. But Lichess Analysis shows evaluation as -1.4. [Title "Black to move after Ne5"] [fen "rn3rk1/1p1b3p/p2n1qp1/3PNp2/...
insipidintegrator's user avatar
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How many centipawns guarantee winning?

Since the question in this form is somewhat ill-defined, I elaborate on it so it can be solved by experiment: What is the maximum centipawn value you can come up with so that the weaker side holds a ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
7 votes
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Can chess engines recognize equivalence between two positions?

The positions [FEN "8/4kn2/4br2/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8 w - - 0 1"] with white to move [FEN "8/8/8/2Q5/1K3bk1/5rn1/8/8 w - - 0 1"] with white to move [FEN "8/2nk4/2rb4/8/8/4Q3/3K4/8 w ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Are knights more powerful in Duck Chess?

In the chess variant Duck Chess (full rules), each player moves the shared blocking "duck" piece to any free square on their turn, taking away one or more moves for the opponent. One ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar
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What's the theoretical worst average centipawn loss on LiChess?

Since mate is evaluated as a finite centipawn loss, all games have a finite average centipawn loss. I stumbled upon this Reddit r/chess thread where this game has an average centipawn loss of 1971 vs....
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
6 votes
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Will writing a chess engine help my chess?

At first the premise seems absurd - the computer engine relies much more on brute-force search (Shannon's Type A Strategy) over selecting a few strong lines with heuristics (Type B Strategy). But can ...
qwr's user avatar
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Alpha-beta pruning with a silly move

After learning about alpha-beta pruning algorithm for a while, I decided to write a simple chess program. However, when running the program, the computer decides to make a silly move. I don't know ...
Nguyen Hoang Huy's user avatar
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How do you hide evaluation scores in the arena chess GUI?

Is there a way to hide the evaluation scores while playing a game using the arena GUI?
user32951's user avatar
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Why do Engines show a fraction for the "Depth" and "Current Node" values?

Forgive me if this has been asked elsewhere, but I've both Googled and searched here at CSE and cannot find an answer. When I'm using an Engine for analysis (in this case, Stockfish 15), I've noticed ...
MikeMitchell's user avatar
10 votes
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How would the min max algorithm of a chess engine work in the case of 3 player chess?

I understand that for 2 player chess if an engine is playing white, then the engine uses a min max algorithm, which assumes that black will always make the move that is best for black, or worst for ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
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Imagine your (stronger) opponent plays this Botez Gambit. How to strategise?

My experiment is inspired by Hikaru Nakamura's "Botez Gambit Speedrun". The term "Botez Gambit" refers jocularly to the act of blundering your queen. Let's say you had the black ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
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Are engines impaired by the 50-move rule?

Are we missing too much from the 50-move rule implementation to engines, whether HCE (Hand-crafted evaluation) or/and NN (Neural Network)? We know that certain endgames are a win without the rule. ...
JSBach49's user avatar
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How do I evaluate the value of every piece in Mathematical Chess?

This is Vietnamese Mathematical Chess— The board contains 11 ranks and 9 files. Each side has ten pieces, numbered from 0 to 9. The board initial layout is as ...
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Help with evaluating this position

rn2k2r/ppp2p2/4bn1p/2bp4/8/1B3N1P/PPP2PP1/RNB1R1K1 w Qkq - 0 1 I am having trouble evaluating this position, I believe the activity of the pieces is equal, besides the week h6 pawn I cannot see why ...
Alyosha OL's user avatar
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Stockfish NNUE vs handcrafted Evaluation

I read up on Stockfish NNUE and as far as I understand it, Stockfish NNUE was (at least in early stages) trained by positions which were evaluated by the hand-crafted eval. function by stockfish. The ...
Phil3453's user avatar