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20 votes
6 answers

Assessing an early c4 against white's Stonewall structure

I made a horrible decision as black in a game, and I do not understand why it's incorrect. [fen "rn2kb1r/pp2pppp/1q3n2/2pp4/3P1P2/2PQPN2/PP4PP/RNB1K2R b - - 0 1"] I played c4, Stockfish considers ...
Alex Lulu's user avatar
  • 243
8 votes
1 answer

Why would trading this bad bishop be a bad move?

When running a game I played through the analysis engines, I get that my 12th move, 12.Ba3, was an inaccuracy (-0.3 -> -1.3). Since my center pawns are on dark squares, I assumed my dark bishop was a ...
garci560's user avatar
  • 685
3 votes
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Capturing one bishop

I was just looking for the best move in the position (White to move). And I thought that capturing the bishop in green square would be the best as it controls the open a8-h1 diagonal ,but the ...
R K's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What color squares should pawns be on with one bishop left?

This slightly confuses me. If I have one bishop left - let's say it is the light-squared bishop - ss it better for my pawns to be on the light squares or dark squares? Let's assume also that my ...
xaisoft's user avatar
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