I recall seeing this chess puzzle in a historic puzzle book that had many different types of puzzles, one each of each genre. The puzzle had a very unusual setup and the challenge was to find the one move that wasn't checkmate.

Does anyone know which puzzle I am referring to?

1 Answer 1


Yes. Any problem chess fan knows this offhand, although I must say that this is only the most famous rendering (I myself composed a problem with this stipulation, but another trick), so there is a 10% chance it wasn't this one:

By Karl Fabel 1952

  • It was this. Thanks!
    – TheAsh
    Commented Nov 3 at 4:30
  • I'd love to see yours, if you'd post a link
    – TheAsh
    Commented Nov 3 at 4:30
  • 1
    H.R., Inselschach 1982 (my club zine), 4B3/2p1p1p1/2P1k1P1/4P3/3PKP2/3PpP2/8/8 not mate in 1 move, solution in rot13 encoding: Abg Xkr3 - vg vf rnfl gb frr Oynpx unq ab ynfg zbir. Guhf r2. Commented Nov 3 at 8:59

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