Recently, I was looking for a website where I can find only middle game puzzles. I found the website, I had solved most of the puzzles in less than a minute (If I get enough time, I can solve any puzzles between 0-1700 (If I rush little bit I make mistakes even in 700, for that reason I am gonna call myself not-speedy-player)). Anyway, I was thinking of improving "my thinking knowledge", by doing chess puzzles as I did for tactics. When I play a game in online, I feel like, my opponent is playing too fast, so I have to unless I will lose on time. That's why I am planning to play middle game puzzles. And when I read Silman's book, sometimes I feel like I am at 1800+ rated player (There's also another reason, I can beat upto 2000 rating bot in chess.com average time). But, I am too lazy to memorize more than 8 moves (using Board also works, but I read it at night in dark room).

Is there a website where I can freely play middle game puzzles? There's currently two sites I know, lichess and chess.com. I already have 2000 ratings in puzzle in an account in chess.com but the fact is I can't afford membership. There's also a reason why I can't play puzzles in lichess. Default puzzles rating is too low and I can solve them but I get tired after getting around 100 ratings and lose 200 ratings. And I don't get that much of time to solve tactics. But I will be happy if I can do 5-10 puzzles in a day. FYI, I had found a website around 5-6 months ago where I could choose options for different type (openings, middle-game, endgame). I was bad at tactics that's why I stopped solving problem there. And after reinstallation of my OS I lost that history. That's why I am sure that there's an website on middle-game puzzle (the website's design was poorly developed so it's not SEO. I can't find by quick internet search)

2 Answers 2


Lichess is completely free and offers middlegame puzzles: https://lichess.org/training/middlegame .


The site you used was most likely Chesstempo, one of the greatest sites for training. It's even one of the most innovative (see endgame puzzles or technology similar to chessables Move-Trainer), despite its design, which looks like it was from 15 years ago... You get unlimited free chess tactics, but only 2 free endgame puzzles in a day.

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