I notice that when Stockfish has solved a position to mate it announces that checkmate is unavoidable in some number of moves so it's impossible to mistaken a position Stockfish has solved as a win for one player for a position that Stockfish has merely evaluated as being a position, for which one player has a huge advantage but not solved to the end yet.
On the other hand if Stockfish solves a position as being a draw with best play it just shows the position as being evaluated as 0.0 instead of announcing that it's a draw with best play, however an evaluation of 0.0 can also just indicate that Stockfish can't find an advantage for either player and doesn't necessarily mean it solved it to the end and found it to be a draw with best play from both players.
So my question is when Stockfish can solve a position as being a draw with best play from both players why doesn't the evaluation start saying "Draw" instead of "0.0" to show that the engine has solved it?