In the following position that's in the Traxler Counterattack:
[fen "r1b1k2N/ppp1q1pp/5n2/3Pp3/2Bn4/8/PPPP1bPP/RNBQ1K1R w q - 1 9"]
9. d6 cxd6 10. Kxf2 Bg4 11. Qe1 (11. Qf1) Nxc2 12. Qf1 Nxa1 13. h3 Be6
The evaluation is "+0.4" at depth 54 if you enable cloud analysis on Lichess, suggesting a draw, with the following engine line: 9. d6 cxd6 10. Kxf2 Bg4 11. Qe1 Nxc2 12. Qf1 Nxa1 13. h3 Be6. (
What happens if the game continues: 9. d6 cxd6 10. Kxf2 Bg4 11. Qf1 instead? Lichess Stockfish evaluates this at +3 at lower depths but according to the previous analysis, at depth 54 it showed +0.4. What is the drawing line after 9. ...cxd6 (I know 9. ...Qxd6 draws but according to the cloud evaluation so did 9. ...cxd6)? Or is this an incorrect evaluation at depth 54?