I’ve attached a picture of the board configuration of an end game. Black wins this game by checkmate, however, I’m wondering how this is valid checkmate?
To my understanding, checkmate occurs when a king is under threat of being captured and there are no other moves present on the board to prevent the king from being captured.
However, in this configuration, we can see that the f1 king is being attacked by the f2 queen. However, I’m wondering why the white king is unable to capture the f2 queen since technically the f6 rook is pinned against the black king and would not be able to capture the white king if it were to capture the queen.
Can anyone help me make sense of the rules?
[FEN "8/5pk1/3R1rp1/8/8/2Q4P/P4q2/5K2 w - - 0 1"]