A. Background:
Under Mobeus Zoom's suggestion here: List of records for youngest superGMs since 1950? (or 1970 or whenever FIDE started rating people. or basically after 2700s after Fischer) (this is about reaching specific ratings though rather than attaining a specific title) re variations for List of youngest grandmasters since 1950, I am now asking how to go about answering these types of questions:
List of records for youngest international masters since 1950?
List of records for youngest female international masters since 1950?
List of records for youngest WIMs (woman international masters) since 1950?
B. Questions:
- From what site can I download some kind of spreadsheet with this kind of data?
player X - date of birth - date IM title obtained (if any) - (among other such data)
Update 1: Given so far: https://ratings.fide.com/download_lists.phtml
i'm able to extract all females, all WFM, female IM, WGM, female CM, etc but where is date title obtained please? so far i think all i can do is pick who is youngest currently but not youngest in records
i don't think it has everything i was looking for. for the title part i think it shows their highest title soooo a female/male GM could've had the record for youngest female/IM but i wouldn't even know that this female/GM got IM before GM and even if e did, i wouldn't necessarily know when the female/GM became an IM.
Update 2: Damn it Mobeus Zoom https://ratings.fide.com/download_lists.phtml is different from https://ratings.fide.com/download.phtml ! lol
- Then is the ff the right procedure/algorithm assuming I obtain such data?
A - Let column 4 be the subtraction of column 2 from column 3.
B - Sort by column 3.
C - Let column 5 check if corresponding entry in column 4 is minimum among all the column 4 entries up to it