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Questions relating to checkmating.

0 votes

Where can I find a list of all theoretically possible piece combinations where checkmate is ...

I just want to know when it's a good idea just to say it's a draw vs other times you just keep trying and trying to get a checkmate. …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
0 votes

Can King take piece end up threatened?

In general, in chess, the aim is to capture the enemy king and not to have your own king captured. This means that after you make a move your king must not be attacked (=in check), as otherwise your …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
4 votes

How can black mate white in 4 moves in this game

This does not seem too difficult. With this in mind, the solution comes almost naturally:
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
8 votes

How is this not checkmate? I had loads of time to spare

A necessary condition for checkmate is that the king is in check, which is not the case here. The position in question is called stalemate: black does not have any legal moves, but is not in check. …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
5 votes

Checkmate with king, knight and bishop

The final position is a forced win for black in 121 moves starting with 1... Qf4, according to the Shredder Tablebases. While it is objectively a win, it would be very tricky to pull it off in time tr …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Can one mate a lone king with Bishop and two knights without being aided by the attacking king?

In order not to overload the answer to this question, I split off the bishop+two knights part. So the question is: Is it possible to mate with a bishop and two knights without the help of the king?
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
2 votes

Can one mate a lone king with Bishop and two knights without being aided by the attacking king?

Work in progress You can convince yourself easily, that mate is only possible in a corner of the board. We distinguish four cases: The corner is the same color as the bishop and the bishop mates Th …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
0 votes

How do I improve my checkmate skills?

Solving tactics puzzles that end in mate should help a lot. Even if the puzzles are short (2-3 moves), you will learn all kinds of mate positions which is useful because you will know what to aim for …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
2 votes

Checkmate in 7 moves?

You posted a different position after my comment and PhishMaster's answer. As for the new position, yes it is mate in 7 starting with Rxc1+. Possible continuations are: Kd2 Rc2+ 2. Ke1 (if 2. Ke3 …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
3 votes

What is an example of a very difficult one-move checkmate?

Very difficult is relative and given enough time players of most strength should be able to find a mate in one. I don't have a concrete example, but in my view the following features would make it mo …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
6 votes

Stalemate or checkmate?

If the situation is as in the diagram below, it is stalemate. You correctly noticed that white has no legal moves: any potential move would put the white king into check, which is not allowed. Further …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
1 vote

How to determine checkmated positions using DOS/CMD, from numerous FEN/EPD chess positions?

If I understand you correctly, you want to automatically simplify the mating sequence (final position minus a couple of moves) basically keeping the same mating pattern. I think doing this automatica …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
2 votes

How to determine checkmated positions using DOS/CMD, from numerous FEN/EPD chess positions?

I don't know if any such tool exists. If you want to program yourself you need to watch out for: Change of mating theme: If you remove pieces you might get new/different mates, e.g. in: 6rk/5Npp …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
2 votes

Should one actively search for a checkmate ('hunt the King') in the middlegame?

There is no general rule. Most of the time, the middlegame strategy will depend on the position you get out of the opening. Personal preferences can play a role as well, but typically players would p …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k
12 votes

Can you mate with each of your 16 pieces on its original square?

Obviously the last white move was 16. Nf3g1+. I note that black needs at least 15 moves to place the pieces as they are: 4 moves to swap queen with rook as they are (various movements possible), 2 …
user1583209's user avatar
  • 20.9k

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