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Questions tagged [retrograde-analysis]

Retrograde analysis is the method of deducing information by working backwards from a given position or outcome. This information can be about past positions of the same game, or may contain forward content, such as optimal play.

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1 answer

Can a series of legal moves end in this position?

With white having all pawns promoted to queens, and all pieces in their original positions, and black only having their king left, checkmated?
2080's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the answer to this castling rights problem?

[Title "#2 - Leonid M. Borodatow. Die Schwalbe 163 02/1997"] [FEN "r3k3/2pN3P/5PPP/6pp/7p/6P1/N5P1/R3KB2 w - - 0 1"] Different sources give different answers.
Элси Ринген's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Long proof game with rooks

I am trying to track a very special proof game I saw many years ago when I learned about proof games (a board position is given, and the challenge is to find the unique sequence of moves from the ...
yrodro's user avatar
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Does this problem work under the standard AP condition?

[Title "André Hazebrouck. Die Schwalbe 47 10/1977 4. Preis"] [FEN "r1b1k2r/P2p4/2p1n2p/ppPq4/1np5/p7/P2PP3/R3K2R w - - 0 1"] а) h#2,5 b) h#2,5 (AP) 2 solutions What is meant by ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does this problem relate to the 50 & 75 move rules?

[Title "Draw - T. Volet. Ded. M. Caillaud & N. Plaksin. 1st Prize Rex Multiplex, 1983"] [FEN "n4K2/b1pprppp/1p2p3/2p5/N1P3P1/BkP1P3/1P2PPP1/3N1BR1 w - - 0 1"] I have an ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is the RS method actually a convention? If so, what can be written in it that is not in 16.1 and 16.2?

The RS Agreement is mentioned in paragraph 16.3 of the Code. But in such a context that I want to cry. ... then the Retro-Strategy (RS) convention should be applied: whichever castling is executed ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

What is the correct retro protocol for this problem? PRA or RS?

[Title "#1 - W. Keym. Die Schwalbe, 1969. Ded. K. Fabel"] [FEN "qrbR4/rP1P1pp1/pQ1pp3/pPp5/6P1/1P3BB1/3PP2P/R3K1k1 w - - 0 1"] The solution to the problem is simple. Black has ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does the AP Convention and Rule 16.2 allow E.P. to be performed without justification?

Rule 16.2 En-passant convention. An en-passant capture on the first move is permitted only if it can be proved that the last move was the double step of the pawn which is to be captured The AP ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Position where last x halfmoves are determined

What is the largest integer x such that there exists a position such that: That position can occur in a legal chess game It is possible to prove at least x halfmoves have been played It is possible ...
Lucenaposition's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What conditions must/should be added to this fairy selfmate stipulation?

[Title "s#2 (?) Maximummer - Anatolii Vasylenko Die Schwalbe 132 12/1991 4. Lob"] [FEN "1K2k2r/r4R2/8/QPp4p/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] 1. bxc6ep Rxf7 2. Qxh5 0-0# 1. ... ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is A Posteriori (AP)?

A number of problem-related questions recently mention AP by which they mean “A Posteriori”. What are they talking about? It seems as if the guys talking about it don’t have a common understanding. Is ...
Laska's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can a unique position be deduced if pieces are replaced by checkers (can see piece color but not type)

Inspired by a video where top players guess which famous game a position is from, except pieces in the position are replaced by checker pieces (so they can see the piece color but not type). Of course ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Show an AP Type Keym #n, where Black's castling illegality with WTM drives both basic White mate & AP?

Let me explain with an example what is meant. [Title "#2 - Lord Dunsany. Fairy Chess Review, 1943"] [FEN "r3k3/ppp5/2p2P2/3PpK2/8/NP1R4/p1P3P1/1b3N1R w - - 0 1"] 1. Ke6 (0-0? ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is the abbreviated retronotation not used?

When playing forward, both full and abbreviated notation are used with equal success. Decoding the abbreviated notation does not cause any problems for the user. Why can't you do the same in retro ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
2 votes
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Is Retro Zugzwang possible?

What is just a zugzwang is clear. This is when, in a normal good position, a side is forced to make a move, and any move made leads to a loss. Accordingly, in Retro moves are made not forward, but ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
2 votes
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Can the problem condition "A Posteriori Type Keym", which flips the player to move, also flip the player that delivers mate?

Again, I composed the task, but doubts crept in. Is everything really as I think it is? 4k2r/4p3/4P3/7N/8/P7/rP1PP1P1/5KQR w - - 1 13 2b1k2r/1p1pp1p1/4P3/p6N/6P1/2P5/1PrPP1P1/1B3KQR w - - 1 13 ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
3 votes
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Have problems similar to this recent composition of mine been done before?

N1Nrk2r/n1ppp1p1/1pQ5/1P6/5R1P/3P3B/3PPBPp/R3K3 w - - 1 13 Checkmate in two moves. AP (Type Keym + Type 3) The AP Convention (A Posteriori) states: "If the player needs castling rights in order ...
Элси Ринген's user avatar
1 vote
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Lower bound on the number of moves to reach given position

I'm trying to analyze opening positions using the Lichess evaluations database. Loading the entire database into memory is somewhat costly, so I'd like to filter out positions that occur after, say, ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Do endgame tablebases only handle legal positions?

The title is my question for now. I also wonder if similar legality concerns may reduce the number of input FENs as checkmates used as input to the retrograde proofing or construction process. In ...
dbdb's user avatar
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Max number of promoted units on the board in a monochromatic game

A whimsical question just occurred to me. I think I have an answer, but I thought I would share it here as a puzzle. What is the maximum number of promoted units that can appear simultaneously on the ...
Laska's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What are "monochromatic" retrograde analysis problems?

What does it mean when a retrograde analysis problem is qualified as being "monochromatic" ?
Brian Towers's user avatar
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Missing move in a chess match due to lousy annotation

I am a beginner in championships (well, and in chess in general). The other day I played a match that I can't analyze because there is an error in the annotation sheet. [FEN ""] 1. e4 e5 2. ...
Ramiro Rego Álvarez's user avatar
1 vote
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Could castling ever be proven to be legally allowed for sure if the first move is required to be a pawn move?

In retrograde analysis problems, castling is assumed to be allowed unless it could be proven that either the king or the rook has previously moved. It is well known, of course, that one could never be ...
Geoffrey Trang's user avatar
2 votes
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How would I detect dead position in a tablebase?

I am programming a tablebase for fairy chess, and would like to conclude the game if mate cannot be reached in any way. I guess this has to be detected when the evaluation (win in... / loss in... / ...
Ferazhu's user avatar
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4 answers

When can you tell which pieces are 'White' from a position where the pieces are colored red and green and you know whose move it is? [duplicate]

Suppose you come across a chessboard where the pieces are colored red and green and there are no labels on the squares. You don't know which move number it is. What are the positions where, by only ...
michaelc35's user avatar
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Term to distinguish between two categories of illegal positions

Consider these two categories of illegal positions. First, e.g.: Not having exactly one King of each color Both Kings being in check Pawns on the first or eighth ranks Second, e.g.: Having more ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
7 votes
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Legal positions with one color to move only?

Most positions in chess can be reached with both black or white to move. Some positions are only legal with one color to move. One such position is the starting position, which famously can't be ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar
8 votes
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Do any unique proof games feature an en-passant capture?

Most positions that could be reached, in a specified number of moves, after an en passant capture could be reached just as well without one, suggesting that such positions could not occur in unique ...
supercat's user avatar
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Open problems in chess involving maximum material imbalances

I am posting the present question since here Very unbalanced Chess Positions I have introduced three open problems (i.e., the third one, the fourth one, and the sixth one from the above), regarding ...
Marco Ripà's user avatar
5 votes
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How many more squares can you attack?

(Inspired by this cool problem) Let’s say it’s White to move. Let A = the number of squares currently attacked by White, and B = the number of squares attacked by White after White’s next move. What ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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Which piece was captured last - knowing that this position was reached in the minimum number of moves possible?

This is a puzzle that I made a while ago, but never really published anywhere before (although I posted it on an obscure Dutch telegram channel). The question is simple: what was the piece that was ...
Carlo Wood's user avatar
14 votes
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Which methods can be used to prove that a position is illegal?

Given a board position, there are programs that try to find a series of legal moves that lead to it. Are there algorithms that can do the opposite - prove that the position is not reachable by a ...
2080's user avatar
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How to solve proof games?

The following question deserves to be asked! "I see a lot of proof game problems, where I am given a diagram and have to find the unique way to reach that position in the specified number of ...
Laska's user avatar
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Generate an entire chess game up to a position

I recently found a chess problem YouTube video with this position. [FEN "r4rq1/5p1p/p5kn/R1B1Q1b1/6p1/5p2/PNP2P2/1K6 w - - 0 1"] I want to turn this position into an entire game of chess. ...
SteepAtticStairs's user avatar
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Reach this position in four moves [duplicate]

I recently came across this chess problem. The requirement is to reach this position (starting from a basic board set up board) in 4 moves. How do you do it? [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/8/4P3/8/...
Harry Iguana's user avatar
4 votes
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Mate in 1, then No Mate in 1, then Mate in 1

Anand and Bobby both are members of their school's chess club. And while cleaning up the games room at the end of the day, they saw a board with the following position: [FEN "rbR1B1Q1/k1n1nN1p/...
justhalf's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Is the position in this trick question reachable?

I found this trick question on r/Anarchy chess: White to move, mate in two. [FEN "2R2RK/6PP/5P/3PN/P/1pQ3p/n1p1qbp/5brk w - - 0 1"] [StartFlipped "1"] The trick is that But is ...
SQB's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Harry Potter Chess Analysis

So, I've been reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. If you haven't read the book yet, or watched the movie, and you don't want any spoilers, stop reading this question. Continuing, there ...
Anonymus 25's user avatar
4 votes
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Coordinates probem

[FEN "8/8/8/8/8/4R3/2N2R2/3N1k1K w - - 0 1"] Given that this position could be reached in a legal game of chess, and that no piece was captured on the last move, are we seeing the board ...
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
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Where does the black king stand in this specific position?

[FEN "7r/pppppKpP/6P1/8/8/8/n7/8 w - - 0 1"] Assume that the following position was reached in a legal game of chess. In the last 5 moves, no pawn has moved and no pieces were captured. The ...
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
6 votes
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Brainteaser puzzle

So... initial position is [FEN "7k/8/6KB/8/p7/8/Q7/8 w - - 0 1"] Now... Neither white's king nor queen has moved in the previous five moves. In addition, no pieces have been captured by ...
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
9 votes
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Find color of the pieces

Given the following position, what colour are the pieces and what was the last move played? [FEN "B1KRN3/PP6/2QK1R2/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
5 votes
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Do you know this proof game?

I'm not familiar with this proof game. [FEN "r2qk1nr/ppp1pp1p/2n1p2p/8/8/1P6/NPPPPPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1"] What square was the white queen captured and how?
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
3 votes
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Retrograde analysis problem

Given that this position is legal, and could be reached in a legal game of chess, what were the two last half-movess, or one move for White and one for Black? [FEN "5K2/8/6Pk/8/5Q1R/8/8/8 w - - 0 ...
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Given a legal chess position, is there an algorithm that generates a series of moves that lead to it?

Given a FEN board position, is there an algorithm that can return a PGN move list that evaluates to it from the standard initial position?
2080's user avatar
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Help needed with a problem

On an empty board, how can you place a White king, two White, rooks, and a Black king so that White can give mate in 4 ways from that position?
dr.vlad lup's user avatar
2 votes
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How many moves needed to reach this position?

"Homebase" is where all the surviving pieces are apparently on their starting squares. Here is a very easy new example proof game: can you find the unique shortest game that leads to this ...
Laska's user avatar
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From Mate-in-3 to Mate-in-1

Here is my new problem in 3 steps - the key designates here the piece that moves first in the solution. An other way to reach a mate in one I hope you'll enjoy... [Title "From Mate in 3 to ...
Xavier Labouze's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Mate in One the Missing King

The post "A mysterious mate in one" made me think of one of my last problems which is also a Mate-in-One with no black King: [Title "White to move and mate in one"] [FEN &...
Xavier Labouze's user avatar
36 votes
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A mysterious mate in one

Here's a question that's a little off the usual format, but problem questions like this have been done before and are on topic, so here we go! Question: Can you find the mysterious mate in one? The ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar