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Why does GM Larry claim that this sacrifice is brilliant?

On this webpage GM Larry Kaufman claimed (at least up to 2012) that the following move was brilliant: [Title "Kasparov vs Shirov (Horgen 1994)"] [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/...
user21820's user avatar
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Can someone explain the positional advantages for white?

[FEN "3r1rk1/7p/bq2ppp1/p1R5/Pp2P2P/4QB2/1P3PP1/3R2K1 w - - 0 1"] As far I can see, Black’s bishop has more scope than the white one, White has some isolated pawns, and the Black pawns rule the 5th ...
bretlee's user avatar
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Analysis of my recent King's Indian Defense game

I'm looking for any feedback on positional ideas I've missed on a recent KID game I played (as black). We were both about 1900 Elo, although I was slightly higher rated. I've obviously already ...
NoseKnowsAll's user avatar
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Can't find long term plan for Black

I am working on multiple lines from Scandinavian defense, with the goal to resurrect them. One line I'm working on is 3...Qd8, and I have managed to achieve quite playable positions ( the results are ...
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