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Who was the first player to state that bishops are more valuable than knights?

Was this concept ever implicitly understood, like controlling open files with rooks?
Jamieson's user avatar
-1 votes
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Nimzowitsch and the defensive theory of open lines

I have read from Nimzowitsch over and over again how one could use a file as the basis of a restraining operation. All those who know his work know what I speak of, but good players at all levels ...
Achbiter's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Good Knight Against Bad Bishop Endgame - A More Constructive Plan?

I reached the position below in a recent tournament game [Event "Recent Tournament"] [Site "Deepest, Darkest Oxfordshire"] [Date "Feb 2020"] [White "Ian Bush"] [Black "A Young Victim"] [Result "1-0"] ...
Ian Bush's user avatar
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What squares are the most active for bishops?

For a beginner: Where are bishops mostly exchanged or placed? Where are knights mostly exchanged or placed?
Edward's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What color squares should pawns be on with one bishop left?

This slightly confuses me. If I have one bishop left - let's say it is the light-squared bishop - ss it better for my pawns to be on the light squares or dark squares? Let's assume also that my ...
xaisoft's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

What is the bishop pair worth?

It depends on the position but with all things being equal how much material value would you say the bishop pair is valued at?
james82345's user avatar
19 votes
10 answers

What is the correct definition of a bad bishop?

Is a bad bishop a bishop that is trapped by your own pawns? (For example, all your pawns are on dark squares, so the dark squared bishop is bad.) Or is it when your opponent's pawns trap your bishop'...
xaisoft's user avatar
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