The longest known sequence, aka the record length, is 16 plies. I obtained this problem from the Die Schwalbe Chess Problem Database. It can be also be viewed on page 13 in a PDF of the original source.
[Title "Bernd Schwarzkopf After Karl Scherer, Feenschach 1980, Mate In 8"]
[FEN "1KN4r/QRRRRRRr/kq6/p1q1R3/PP1q1b2/4q3/5q2/1r4q1 b - - 0 1"]
[startflipped ""]
1... Qxa7+ 2. Rxa7+ Qxa7+ 3. Rxa7+ Qxa7+ 4. Rxa7+ Qxa7+ 5. Rxa7+ Qxa7+ 6. Rxa7+ Qxa7+ 7. Rxa7+ Rxa7 8. b5+ Rxb5+ 9. axb5#
If only discovered checks are allowed, here is a sequence of 6 plies, as the first move doesn't count. I found it on Tim Krabbe's website in Diary Entry #265. The composer's first name comes from the problem's entry in the Die Schwalbe Chess Problem Database.
[Title "Vladmir Korolkov, 1940, White Wins"]
[FEN "6B1/5Nb1/3p4/q2krP1R/Nn2p3/pPKnr3/Q1PB4/3R4 w - - 0 1"]
1. Nd8+ Re6+ 2. f6+ Ne5+ 3. Bxe3+ Nd3+ 4. b4#