I have a genuine h#3.5, which can be animated because there's no castling.
[Title "Chess960: White moving only pawns helpmates in 3.5"]
[FEN "rkrqnbbn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RKRQNBBN w - - 0 0"]
1. a4 a5 2. b4 Ka7 3. f3+ Ka6 4. b5#
I have further checked with Jacobi that there are no shorter helpmates for any of the 960 game arrays. So h#3.5 is as good as one can get.
Jacobi has checked exhaustively for all h#3.5 solutions. There is only one more matrix:
[Title "Chess960: White moving only pawns helpmates in 3.5"]
[FEN "rqkrbnnb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQKRBNNB w - - 0 0"]
1. d3 b6 2. b4 Kb7 3. g3+ Ka6 4. b5#
160/960 (i.e. one in six) of the starting positions allow h#3.5 with White only moving pawns. 108 give the first matrix, 42 give the second. Each valid starting position has exactly 8 solutions.
The Jacobi instructions are:
stipulation h#3.5
condition Chess960
constraint Xa1-a1(0..0) Xb1-b1(0..0) Xc1-c1(0..0) Xd1-d1(0..0) Xe1-e1(0..0) Xf1-f1(0..0) Xg1-g1(0..0) Xh1-h1(0..0)
So White officers cannot move. The "a1-a1" substring etc excludes castling, which curiously in Jacobi is normally not prevented by "(0..0)", the command to say that each piece must make at least 0 and at most 0 moves.
It's easy to check that if White makes 5 pawn moves, with Black not moving, i.e. seriesmover, then we have 512 solutions, with 64 starting positions each having 8 solutions, e.g. (QBSSRKBR) 1.b3 2.f4 3.f5 4.f6 5.fxg7#