What is the quickest way to get a checkmate under the following conditions:
- The winning side moves the king on every move
- The starting position is Chess960?
What is the quickest way to get a checkmate under the following conditions:
Pending a genius stroke from MatPlus, this might be the fastest way:
[FEN "bbrnnkrq/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/BBRNNKRQ w - - 0 1"]
1. c4 O-O 2. Bxh7+ Kxh7 3. g3 Kg6 4. Kg2 Kh6 5. Kh3 Kh5 6. Rg2 Kg5#
(@mods: can 960 be made playable - i.e. KQkq works in 960 FEN? If so, please edit and delete this comment)
This problem can be solved computationally using the powerful "constraints" feature of Francois Labelle's Jacobi engine: https://wismuth.com/jacobi/latest/solver.html
> option FirstToMove white
> stipulation h#6
> condition Chess960
> constraint Xa8(0..0) Xb8(0..0) Xc8(0..0) Xd8(0..0) Xe8(0..0) Xg8(0..0) Xh8(0..0) Pa7(0..0) Pb7(0..0) Pc7(0..0) Pd7(0..0) Pe7(0..0) Pf7(0..0) Pg7(0..0) Ph7(0..0)
> constraint Xf8!g8~
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