I played a game that ended with a draw and this is the end position:
[FEN ""]
[startply "119"]
1. e4 f6 2. d4 d6 3. c4 b6 4. Nc3 Bb7 5. f4 Nd7 6. Nf3 c5 7. d5 Qc7 8. Bd3 a6 9. a3 O-O-O 10. Be3 Re8 11. Qa4 e5 12. f5 Kd8 13. O-O-O Ke7 14. g4 a5 15. Qc2 Kd8 16. a4 Kc8 17. b3 Kb8 18. h4 g6 19. h5 g5 20. Be2 h6 21. Kb2 Ka7 22. Nb5+ Kb8 23. Nxc7 Kxc7 24. Ka3 Nb8 25. Nd2 Na6 26. Nb1 Nb4 27. Qb2 Ba6 28. Bd2 Ne7 29. Bxb4 cxb4+ 30. Ka2 Bb7 31. Nd2 Rc8 32. Nf3 Kb8 33. Rc1 Rc5 34. Qd2 Nc8 35. Ne1 Na7 36. Nd3 Be7 37. Nxc5 bxc5 38. Qe3 Ba6 39. Rc2 Bb7 40. Kb2 Kc8 41. Kc1 Kd8 42. Kd2 Ke8 43. Ke1 Kf8 44. Kf2 Kg7 45. Qc1 Kh7 46. Kg3 Kg7 47. Rf1 Kf7 48. Bd3 Ke8 49. Rcf2 Kd7 50. Rg2 Ke8 51. Rh2 Kf7 52. Kf2 Kg7 53. Ke3 Nc8 54. Ke2 Nb6 55. Kd2 Nd7 56. Qb2 Nf8 57. Kc1 Nd7 58. Kd2 Nf8 59. Kd1 Nd7 60. Kd2 1/2-1/2
I am unsure if White could convert their material advantage. On chess.com, the engine gives White +10.1, which is usually more than enough to win, but I am not sure of a winning plan.