I am developing a chess engine and have implemented various basic algorithms such as negamax search, alpha beta pruning with move ordering, and quiescence search. I have a transposition table with an always-replace scheme because it seems to work better, however I've found that if I don't clear my transposition table between every move, the engine sometimes makes terrible blunders like hanging mate in one. I've looked online for solutions and a common error I found was that the table can sometimes become polluted with draw scores, however I've set up my code such that any draw scores simply aren't stored in the table, but that hasn't fixed the problem. I've made sure my zobrist hashing is working correctly, I'm not really sure what else could be causing this issue.
I've based my negamax search off this website.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Here's a link to my code if anyone wants to go further in detail. https://github.com/nikhilsarin1/Chess-Engine
public int search(int depth, int ply, int alpha, int beta) {
int alphaOriginal = alpha;
long zobristKey = model.getZobristKey();
TranspositionEntry entry = model.transpositionTable.getPosition(zobristKey);
if (entry != null && entry.ply() >= ply) {
if (entry.flag() == TranspositionEntry.Flag.EXACT) {
bestMoveForCurrentSearch = entry.bestMove();
return entry.score();
} else if (entry.flag() == TranspositionEntry.Flag.LOWER_BOUND) {
alpha = Math.max(alpha, entry.score());
} else if (entry.flag() == TranspositionEntry.Flag.UPPER_BOUND) {
beta = Math.min(beta, entry.score());
if (alpha >= beta) {
return entry.score();
if (model.isCheckmate()) {
return -mateScore + ply;
} else if (model.isDraw()) {
return 0;
if (depth == 0) {
return quiescenceSearch(alpha, beta);
int evaluation = -999999999;
Move bestMoveAtCurrentDepth = null;
for (Move move : model.getBitboard().getLegalMoves()) {
model.movePiece(move, false, depth);
int score = -search(depth - 1, ply + 1, -beta, -alpha);
if (score > evaluation) {
evaluation = score;
bestMoveAtCurrentDepth = move; // Update the best move at this depth
alpha = Math.max(alpha, evaluation);
if (alpha >= beta) {
model.getBitboard().recordKillerMove(move, depth);
TranspositionEntry.Flag flag;
if (evaluation <= alphaOriginal) {
flag = TranspositionEntry.Flag.UPPER_BOUND;
} else if (evaluation >= beta) {
flag = TranspositionEntry.Flag.LOWER_BOUND;
} else {
flag = TranspositionEntry.Flag.EXACT;
if (evaluation != 0) {
zobristKey, ply, evaluation, flag, bestMoveAtCurrentDepth);
bestMoveForCurrentSearch = bestMoveAtCurrentDepth;
return evaluation;