[Title "White to play and win"]
[fen "3qrb2/4k3/2p1NpRp/P3pPpP/2Pp2r1/BP1R1pP1/2Qnpr2/5B1K w - - 0 1"]

This is attributed to Ala'Addin (aka Aladdin).

Reminder, the rules of Shatranj are here.

1 Answer 1


From The Complete Chess Addict by Mike Fox and Richard James

[Title "White to play and win"]
[fen "3qrb2/4k3/2p1NpRp/P3pPpP/2Pp2r1/BP1R1pP1/2Qnpr2/5B1K w - - 0 1"]

1. Rg7+ {Remember the shatranj bishop moves 2 squares diagonally so can't take the rook} Kd6 {The shatranj bishop is still defending the pawn on h6} 2. c5+ Kd5 3. Rd7+ Ke4 {The shatranj queen can only move one square diagonally so the rook can't be taken} 4. Re3+! Kxe3 (4...dxe3 5. Qd3+ Kxf5 6. Ng7#) (4...Kxf5 5. Ng7#) 5. Bc1+ {the shatranj bishop} Ke4 6. Qd3+ Kxf5 {the queen is protected by the f1 bishop!} 7. Ng7#

Nice that the replayer also works for shatranj.

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