I am using a UCI chess engine (stockfish 6) to evaluate the score of specific positions from different games.
On this stockfish help forum thread it states: Hash size is the amount of memory you want to designate for Stockfish to store positions (a temporary hash). You don't want your hash size to exceed your physical memory, but you don't want it to be too small either.
In my case I am not using the engine to go through subsequent moves in the same game, but different positions entirely. For example:
after 4th move of Aldrovandi vs. Cocozza (2003):
position fen rnbqkbnr/pppp2pp/8/4pp2/8/5P2/PPPPPKPP/RNBQ1BNR w kq f6 0 3
go movetime 10000
info depth 16 seldepth 25 multipv 1 score cp -71 nodes 2171367 nps 879095 tbhits 0 time 2470 pv b1c3 b8c6 e2e3 f5f4 g2g3 d7d5 d2d4 g8e7 f2g2 f4e3 c1e3 e7f5
after 2nd move of Hirneise vs. Hirneise (2010):
position fen r1bqkbnr/pppppppp/n7/8/8/7N/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 2 2
go movetime 10000
info depth 19 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 7228257 nps 723259 tbhits 0 time 9994 pv d2d4 g8f6 e2e3 e7e6 c2c4 d7d5 b1c3 f8e7 f1e2
In these consecutive uses of the engine, I am solely interested in score cp -71 and score cp 16
It seems that the Hash is not used at all and thus I can set it to zero. Is that correct? Is there a way to disable the Hash entirely in the UCI specification? The reason I ask is I am using a mobile device so conserving memory is more relevant.