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Chess problems consist of a board position and a task. Most ask for a line of play that mates black in a set amount of moves, or a combination that results in a winning position. Many other types exist, including, but not limited to, construction tasks for various positions and proof games that have numerous goals, selfmates, helpmates, and retrograde analysis. Tournaments and championships exist for composing of original problems and for speed-solving.

1 vote

Black to move and mate in 3

There is a very obvious start with the double check Ne2. After that you just need to spot that the h8 rook is lined up on the king's only square, h1. The only problem is how to clear the white pawn an …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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20 votes

How do you solve vague mate in two problems?

With mate in 2 problems you basically have to try and look one move ahead and imagine a position where you are going to mate in 1. …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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16 votes

A helpmate in 15 moves

First Thoughts White only has one move - moving the bishop between b1 and a2. Whatever black does he better not take the bishop else stalemate. Black is going to have to start by taking the knight on …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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2 votes

Position where neither player can force an *exact* outcome

Is there a position where white cannot force a win, nor a draw, nor a loss, and black cannot force a win, nor a draw, nor a loss? Of course there is. It's a position we are all very familiar with. H …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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3 votes

Piece Peace Puzzle

Improving on Christian's answer: [Title "2 Black Pawns"] [FEN "1R6/p1p1P2N/P1P1P3/2P4B/P1P1P2N/6R1/3Q4/B4k1K w - - 0 1"]
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7 votes

Chess problem by A. G. Kopnin - Russian notation explanation needed

What move is the "1…ed" for example? "ed" indicates that an e pawn takes a d pawn. Maybe I would not understand it even if it was in English notation It is actually in algebraic notation. If you f …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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2 votes

How many times can the king and its surrounding squares be attacked?

There seems to be some confusion understanding the problem, so I will post an answer, probably not the maximum, and then somebody better than me can post the best solution. I've promoted 7 pawns to qu …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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20 votes

Is the "Pawn Box" possible in standard chess?

Here is one simple solution: [fen ""] 1.c4 d5 2.cxd5 e6 3.dxe6 f6 4.g4 g6 5.g5 Ne7 6.gxf6 Nd5 7.e4 Nc3 8.bxc3 Qd4 9.cxd4 b5 10.d5 b4 11.a3 c6 12.axb4 c5 13.bxc5 Bd6 14.cxd6 g5 15.h3 g4 16.hxg4 Rg8 1 …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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26 votes

Can White avoid a loss in this endgame study by Lazar?

The first half of white's move is forced - d8. Then white has a choice of knight, bishop, rook or queen. Black has two threats which white must parry to get a draw. The first is to play Bf4 and then m …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a stalemate be forced even if it is the opponent's turn to move first?

Building (or rather tearing down) from Hauke's example: [FEN "8/8/8/p7/8/Ppk56/brpp4/Kbb5 b KQkq - 0 1"] [startflipped ""] Neither black nor white can avoid the stalemate.
Brian Towers's user avatar
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1 vote

Are there any hard mate-in-2 problems?

Three times world puzzle solving champion, GM John Nunn, almost certainly doesn't find the same problems difficult that I do. …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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17 votes

Is there a mate in two moves for white?

After Ra6+ black's only possible move is Ra7 when white has Qxa7# and Rxa7# both of which are mate [fen "k4r2/1rQ1b1p1/2Rp1n2/1p2p2p/P7/1P3PBq/5P1P/4K2R w - - 0 1"] 1. Ra6+ Ra7 2. Qxa7# (2. Rxa7#)
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-8 votes

Position where neither player can force a win and neither player can force a draw

One sometimes sees the claim that in every chess position, either White has a forced win, or Black has a forced win, or both players can force a draw. One doesn't. The claim is patently nonsense. He …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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9 votes

Systematic ways to approach more difficult problems

for example this one below,don't even know where to begin.Earlier the way I solved problems was finding all the checks,captures and threats and the solution used to come within few seconds but now things …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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0 votes

How can I control my nerves during chess tournaments?

If you are losing to 1300's then you are clearly not blunder-checking your moves, perhaps because of nerves. Make that your first priority in your next tournament and your results are bound to improve …
Brian Towers's user avatar
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