I found this interesting problem on Reddit. If this position appears in Britz's game of mine, I also would miss this.
[FEN "5r1r/ppk3p1/8/2bB4/3n4/7b/PP4PP/RN1QR1K1 b - - 0 1"]
I found this interesting problem on Reddit. If this position appears in Britz's game of mine, I also would miss this.
[FEN "5r1r/ppk3p1/8/2bB4/3n4/7b/PP4PP/RN1QR1K1 b - - 0 1"]
There is a very obvious start with the double check Ne2. After that you just need to spot that the h8 rook is lined up on the king's only square, h1. The only problem is how to clear the white pawn and black bishop off the file to give checkmate:
[fen "5r1r/ppk3p1/8/2bB4/3n4/7b/PP4PP/RN1QR1K1 b - - 0 1"]
1. Ne2+ Kh1 2. Ng3+ hxg3 3. Bg4++