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Chess problems consist of a board position and a task. Most ask for a line of play that mates black in a set amount of moves, or a combination that results in a winning position. Many other types exist, including, but not limited to, construction tasks for various positions and proof games that have numerous goals, selfmates, helpmates, and retrograde analysis. Tournaments and championships exist for composing of original problems and for speed-solving.

7 votes

Prove the pawn's color and the knight's position

In both parts we know one to be true, which means it suffices to disprove one possibility for each and that settles the proof. Part one: Let's start by assuming the pawn on f2 is white and work our w …
Ellie's user avatar
  • 12k
6 votes

Puzzles that highlight the finiteness of the chessboard

Now that's a refreshingly different kind of question :) It's probably easier to compose such a problem than to search for one, but that said, there's one that comes to mind: [Title "White to play and …
Ellie's user avatar
  • 12k
21 votes

Prove that White is not allowed to castle here

So if you're not familiar with these kinds of problems you may indeed find it difficult to attack them at first. … Retrograde problems in chess are really fun to solve, specially as soon as you get the handle of them and start solving the real difficult ones. …
Ellie's user avatar
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42 votes

Endgame problem: How to avoid stalemate and win?

It's quite a fun problem to think about, before getting to the calculation of long variations, try to first spot the key idea needed to crack the problem. Here are the first observations that come to …
Ellie's user avatar
  • 12k
8 votes

Solvable studies that computers fail to crack

The fundamental difference between how humans tackle such problems (specially in endgames) compared to engines lies in our ability to foresee the end of a line conceptually without actually doing the concrete …
Ellie's user avatar
  • 12k