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A style of play emphasizing capture of strategic squares and prophylactic moves.

3 votes

In the King's Indian Defense, is 9...Kh8 playable?

In the given position I do agree that ..Kh8 etc is too slow, and White will quickly develop a Q-side initiative by preparing c5. However, I think that OP is to be commended for responding to the spiri …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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7 votes

What to do in a positionally won situation?

I don't think that White should expect to increase his (already large) advantage very quickly. You say there are no immediate tactics, and I don't see any either. But simple moves here are very strong …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I identify strong pieces?

Generally speaking strong pieces limit the opponents freedom. Think of the effect of your opponents strong pieces. There are important lines that you cannot challenge. There are squares you would like …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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1 vote

What is positional play in chess?

There are many aspects of positional play that are always mentioned. Put Rooks on open files, put knights on outpost squares, keep your pawns neat and tidy. But that is not enough to win if your oppon …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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3 votes

Who was the first player to state that bishops are more valuable than knights?

I think that this opinion has varied over time. In the nineteenth century, players in the gambit style generally preferred Knights. Tarrasch strongly preferred Bishops. I think he once humorously said …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I create sharp, tactical positions?

Don't try to play like Tal unless you really understand how Tal played. For every brilliancy that gets regularly published there are many fine victories that are less spectacular and less well-known. …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the correct definition of a bad bishop?

Bad bishops and doubled pawns are both commonly misunderstood. The advice to avoid them is usually based on very superficial observations. If you were to focus your efforts on properly understanding t …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I make the right move after an opening?

You are asking what to do when the opening is over, which implies that you think you know what to do while still in the opening. Im not sure that you do. Every move in every opening is motivated by t …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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3 votes

Why move the queen’s rook to defend d-file instead of king’s rook?

White needs to find a way to make use of his extra pawn, because it is hard to see any other plan. His dream would be to play d4-d5-d6, but this is not yet possible because a) d5 is under Blacks contr …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the best move for White in this position?

I just want to remark that it is not always necessary to have a definite plan. If you do have a single, obviously best plan, it is because your opponent has played badly. Here, even though Black has p …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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1 vote

What strategic principles contribute to black's advantage in this position?

I think that quite possibly we have here a case where the computer gives too high a numerical value to its assessment. Computers sometimes give high evaluations that they cannot translate into winning …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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11 votes

Why does Black want to trade off their King's Bishop in many d4 lines?

Bent Larsen explained it like this. If you want to win as Black you must unbalance the position, and this involves giving something to get something. Giving your opponent the two Bishops is something …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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-1 votes

How do you systematically analyze an arbitrary chess position?

By way of analogy, suppose you had read an article by an art critic titled "How to Look at a Painting" The critic would use words like "color", "tone", "hue", "mood", "composition", "balance", "foregr …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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5 votes

Examples of harmony?

As in music, harmony is difficult to define, but two things come to mind. One is the advice given "Talk to your pieces". Ask them if they feel like they belong to a team. If one of them says, "No I d …
Philip Roe's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I learn to understand the middlegame?

I may be a heretic, but I think planning is over-rated. Textbooks like to give examples where one player exploits control over a weak square to force an endgame that wins after 90 moves. Play through …
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