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8 votes
5 answers

How strong is Stockfish's positional understanding without AB search?

At zero depth/search, i.e. only using its neural net, Stockfish's tactics would, of course, be abysmal, but how strong is its positional evaluation? Can it be compared to grandmasters or to club ...
Anna's user avatar
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Did Lichess Level 8 truly lose this game?

Jonathan Scrantz played this game against Lichess Level 8: [Title "Jonathan Scrantz VS Stockfish Level 8 (3000) after 9. Kh1"] [FEN ""] [Startply "17"] 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 ...
user21820's user avatar
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How do I understand White's +6 advantage here?

[White "White (to move)"] [Black "Black"] [FEN "rnq1kb1r/ppp3pp/4pn2/4N3/2QP4/2N2P2/PPP3PP/R1B1K2R w KQ - 0 13"] In this position, White can still castle, but Black cannot (having moved the king ...
user21820's user avatar
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Why Stockfish 9 fails to see the draw?

I can reach a draw with White in the below position. The Stockfish 9, however, gives 28.1 points for black after Kf3,Ba1,Ke4,Bb2,Kd3. [FEN "8/p7/kpP5/qrp1b3/rpP2b2/pP4b1/P3K3/8 w - - 0 1"] 1. Kf3 ...
GarryK's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

Why is exchanging the queens bad in this position?

Stockfish gives +6.6 to the following position. The recommended move by stockfish is Rc1 which maintains +6.6 advantage but if I exchange the queens right away (Qxd6), stockfish gives me +5. What's ...
Laschet Jain's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Stockfish prefer White here?

My analysis of the position: Materially, black is a pawn up. White's rooks and bishop are active. White has potential counterplay on Black's Kingside but I think it can be defended by the move Ng6. ...
Laschet Jain's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to ask stockfish from the command line if a position is "quiet"?

Is there a way to ask stockfish from the command line if a position is "quiet"? I am running a script like to return the analysis, but I would like to also know if stockfish considers ...
Peter Cotton's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to go about beating chess engines?

I play regularly long games (60min each) with Droidfish/Stockfish the depth is always close around 21. From time to time I overlook taktical flaws in my moves, obviously playing on worse positions ...
user4054919's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Since each engine has its own style of play… which engines are more positional/strategic and which engines are more sharp/tactical?

I’ve heard that each engine has its own style of play. Some are more positional and strategic, while others are more sharp and tactical. And so my question is: could you roughly sort the following ...
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