Without searching we can get the nnue score for each legal move from a given position.
Stockfish has an eval
command to return the static evaluation of the position. It can be classical, nnue and hybrid.
Run stockfish and enter the following as an example.
position fen 5rk1/1pq2ppb/2p1p2p/4P3/3R4/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 w - - 0 1
Classical evaluation +0.22 (white side)
NNUE evaluation +0.45 (white side)
Final evaluation +0.50 (white side) [with scaled NNUE, hybrid, ...]
We are interested on
NNUE evaluation +0.45 (white side)
To get the nnue score of the legal moves without searching, we need the position and the legal moves.
- Setup the position + legal move to stockfish
- Send eval the command to get nnue score.
- Negate the score as the move is pushed on the board.
- Convert wpov (White Point of View) score to spov (Side Point of View) score.
position fen 5rk1/1pq2ppb/2p1p2p/4P3/3R4/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 w - - 0 1 moves d4d8
With that we will get the nnue score of the move d4d8.
NNUE evaluation +0.12 (white side)
eval = 0.12
evalcp = 0.12 * 100 = 12
The side to move after the move is black.
evalcp = -1 * evalcp = -12
The move is pushed so we negate the eval again.
evalcp = -1 * evalcp = -1 * (-12) = 12
So the nnue eval of the move d4d8 from the position 5rk1/1pq2ppb/2p1p2p/4P3/3R4/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 w - - 0 1
is 12 cp (spov).
Do the same for other legal moves to get the eval.
Sort the move eval in descending order to get the top move and eval from the given position. Remember the top move, as we will get the score of this move from the stockfish full strength multipv analysis.
Error Calculation
To get the error, we run stockfish say 10 sec at full strength at multipv value equal to the legal moves of the positions.
The top 1 score less the score of the top move from nnue eval is the error. Take the absolute difference to get a positive error value.
Where to get the test positions?
You can take any game in pgn format. I use tata steel 2023 games. These games are played by some top human players.
Parse each position in the game, record the game move, get the score of the move and calculate the error based from top 1 move score from stockfish. The score of game move can be found from the stockfish multipv analysis.
The full code below will save its analysis in csv file for later processing.
"""Estimate the strength of nnue eval.
pip install chess
pip install pandas
import subprocess
import chess
import chess.pgn
import chess.engine
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 800)
def nnue_eval(enginefn, epd):
"""Find the best move with highest eval.
Run engine, setup position and send eval command.
Save eval and legal moves from the given epd.
board = chess.Board(epd)
epds, moves, scores = [], [], []
engine = subprocess.Popen(enginefn, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
universal_newlines=True, bufsize=1,
for eline in iter(engine.stdout.readline, ''):
line = eline.strip()
if 'uciok' in line:
for eline in iter(engine.stdout.readline, ''):
line = eline.strip()
if 'readyok' in line:
# Visit all moves and get the eval.
for move in board.legal_moves:
b = board.copy()
san_move = b.san(move)
# If side to move is in check, don't evaluate.
if b.is_check():
fen = b.fen()
engine.stdin.write(f'position fen {fen}\n')
pawn_value_wpov = None
for eline in iter(engine.stdout.readline, ''):
line = eline.strip()
# NNUE evaluation +0.19 (white side)
if 'NNUE evaluation' in line and not 'info string' in line:
value = line.split('NNUE evaluation')[1]
value = value.split('(white side)')[0].strip()
pawn_value_wpov = float(value)
score = round(100*pawn_value_wpov)
# Convert to spov.
if b.turn == chess.BLACK:
score = -score
score = -score # move was pushed
df = pd.DataFrame({'epds': epds, 'moves': moves, 'scores': scores})
df = df.sort_values(by=['scores'], ascending=[False])
return df
def main():
max_games = 5
movetimesec = 10
pgnfn = r'F:\project\pgn\tatamast23.pgn'
enginefn = r'F:\Chess\Engines\stockfish\stockfish_15.1_win_x64_popcnt\stockfish-windows-2022-x86-64-modern.exe'
gcnt = 0
engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(enginefn)
alldf = []
with open(pgnfn) as pgn:
while True:
game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)
if game is None:
gcnt += 1
print(f'game {gcnt}')
wp = game.headers['White']
bp = game.headers['Black']
data = []
for node in game.mainline():
board = node.parent.board()
gmove = node.move
gmove_san = board.san(gmove)
gply = board.ply()
epd = board.epd()
fmvn = board.fullmove_number
gmove_is_check = True if '+' in gmove_san else False
if board.is_check():
# Don't analyze moves below 20.
if gply < 40:
legal_moves = board.legal_moves.count()
# Analyze this board with the engine. Get all the legal moves evaluation.
info = engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(time=movetimesec), multipv=legal_moves)
epds, scores, moves = [], [], []
top_move_is_tactical = False
top1_move = None
for i in range(min(legal_moves, board.legal_moves.count())):
score = info[i]['score'].relative.score(mate_score=32000)
pv = info[i]['pv']
move = pv[0]
san_move = board.san(move)
if i == 0:
top1_move = san_move
# Exclude tactical moves.
if i <= 5 and ('+' in san_move or 'x' in san_move or '=' in san_move):
top_move_is_tactical = True
if not top_move_is_tactical and not gmove_is_check:
top_df = pd.DataFrame({'epds': epds, 'moves': moves, 'scores': scores})
nnue_df = nnue_eval(enginefn, epd)
nnue_df = nnue_df.reset_index(drop=True)
print(f'game move:\n{gmove_san}\n')
# Get top nnue score based from top_df data.
top1_score = top_df['scores'].iloc[0]
top_nnue_move = nnue_df['moves'].iloc[0]
top_nnue_move_score_from_top_df = top_df.loc[top_df.moves == top_nnue_move]['scores'].iloc[0]
# Get actual score of game move based from top_df data.
gmove_score_from_top_df = top_df.loc[top_df.moves == gmove_san]['scores'].iloc[0]
print(f'top_1_score: {top1_score}, top_nnue_score: {top_nnue_move_score_from_top_df}, gmove_score: {gmove_score_from_top_df}')
if board.turn == chess.WHITE:
data.append([gcnt, epd, fmvn, wp, gmove_san, gmove_score_from_top_df, top1_move, top1_score, top_nnue_move, top_nnue_move_score_from_top_df])
data.append([gcnt, epd, fmvn, bp, gmove_san, gmove_score_from_top_df, top1_move, top1_score, top_nnue_move, top_nnue_move_score_from_top_df])
if abs(top1_score) > 500 and abs(gmove_score_from_top_df) > 500:
# Save to dataframe.
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['GameNum', 'Epd', 'MoveNum', 'Name', 'GameMove', 'GameMoveScore', 'EngineMove', 'EngineScore', 'NNUEMove', 'NNUEScore'])
if gcnt >= max_games:
# Save data to csv file. Print average error in cp.
df = pd.concat(alldf, ignore_index=True)
df.to_csv('data.csv', index=False)
df_error = df.copy()
df_error['HumanError'] = abs(df_error['EngineScore'] - df_error['GameMoveScore'])
df_error['NNUEError'] = abs(df_error['EngineScore'] - df_error['NNUEScore'])
average_human_error = df_error['HumanError'].mean().round()
average_nnue_error = df_error['NNUEError'].mean().round()
print(f'AveHumanError: {average_human_error}')
print(f'AveNNUEError: {average_nnue_error}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Modify the stockfish and pgn paths to suit your needs. See,
pgnfn = r'F:\project\pgn\tatamast23.pgn'
enginefn = r'F:\Chess\Engines\stockfish\stockfish_15.1_win_x64_popcnt\stockfish-windows-2022-x86-64-modern.exe'
command line
python main.py >log.txt
GameNum Epd MoveNum Name GameMove GameMoveScore EngineMove EngineScore NNUEMove NNUEScore HumanError NNUEError
0 1 5rk1/1p1q1ppb/2p1p2p/4P3/R7/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 ... 23 Carlsen, Magnus Rd4 52 Rd4 52 Rd4 52 0 0
1 1 5rk1/1pq2ppb/2p1p2p/4P3/3R4/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 ... 24 Carlsen, Magnus Rd6 62 Rd6 62 Rd7 -548 0 610
2 1 5rk1/1pq2ppb/2pRp2p/4P3/8/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 b - - 24 Aronian, Levon Ra8 -73 Qb6 -51 Qxd6 -520 22 469
3 1 r5k1/1pq2ppb/2pRp2p/4P3/8/2Q3P1/1P2PPBP/6K1 w - - 25 Carlsen, Magnus Bf3 59 h4 69 Rxc6 -466 10 535
4 1 r5k1/1pq2ppb/2pRp2p/4P3/8/2Q2BP1/1P2PP1P/6K1 b... 25 Aronian, Levon Bg6 -38 Bg6 -38 Qxd6 -504 0 466
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71 5 8/p7/1p5R/3P1kp1/8/1K5P/r7/8 b - - 38 Abdusattorov, Nodirbek Ra1 67 Rd2 67 Rd2 67 0 0
72 5 8/p7/1p5R/3P1kp1/8/1K5P/8/r7 w - - 39 Rapport, Richard Kc4 -124 Kc2 -59 Kc4 -124 65 65
73 5 8/p7/7R/1pKP1kp1/8/7P/8/3r4 b - - 42 Abdusattorov, Nodirbek b4 205 b4 205 a5 35 0 170
74 5 7R/p7/8/2KP1kp1/1p6/7P/8/3r4 b - - 43 Abdusattorov, Nodirbek b3 205 b3 205 a5 103 0 102
75 5 4R3/p7/8/2KP2p1/8/1p1k3P/8/3r4 w - - 46 Rapport, Richard d6 -686 Rb8 -641 d6 -686 45 45
[76 rows x 12 columns]
AveHumanError: 8.0
AveNNUEError: 251.0
The function nnue_eval()
will calculate the nnue eval of the legal moves from the given position or epd.
I place the code in github repository to easier maintain it.