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6 votes
2 answers

Pushing the e-pawn

I am having trouble understanding why the move e5 which I played in the position below is not correct according to Stockfish (6th move for White) I am not doing this move by winning a tempo, but I ...
Maths64's user avatar
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When should I play f3/f6?

For context, I've been playing chess for around two years now, and my rating on Lichess is ~1850. When I first started playing, I learned a lot of heuristics for playing well, e.g. rooks are better ...
user23766's user avatar
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Pawns in the center: strength or weakness?

In most openings, pawns typically end up at some of the centre squares. There is really no other way to open up the long diagonals(c1-h6,a6-f1) for the bishops. However, how desirable is this? ...
guru's user avatar
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Is it important to have pawns at the centre of the board?

Is there any strategic importance in having pawns at the centre of the board? Please provide a detailed explanation.
Abhijit S's user avatar