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Questions tagged [french-defense]

The French Defense begins with 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5. Black plans to play a solid setup and contest white's center with moves like c5 and Nc6. The biggest drawback to the French Defense is that black's light square bishop is hemmed in by the e6 pawn.

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Why is **...c4** bad in the Classical French but not in the Advanced Paulsen Variation?

I have been learning the French Defense lately and there was one game where I was confused about the computer analysis.'s engine says that 8... c4 is a mistake in the first game, while in ...
iaquobe's user avatar
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Are these depth-41 Stockfish evals the result of a horizon effect?

I was using lichess's analysis board for Stockfish's analysis of this line in the French: [Title "French Defence, Steinitz Variation"] [StartFlipped "0"] [fen ""] 1. e4 ...
Rosie F's user avatar
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Steinitz vs Mainline classical French

After e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 White has 2 main options, go for the Steinitz with 4) e5 or stick to the mainline or the Burn variation of the Classical French with Bg5. I want to know the differences ...
anti - Marshall's user avatar
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Are there any books on the Reti-Spielmann attack (1. e4 e6 2. g3)?

I tried looking for books on this online but I couldn't find any.
moh abdi's user avatar