Consider the following well-known motif:
[FEN "8/1k6/5pp1/7p/7P/6P1/8/7K b - - 0 1"]
Black wins even with Ka8, but being true Patzer: 1...g5?? 2.g4! Kmoch's crosslever, 1-0.
Now in the critical position after 1...g5, pawns are hanging. Can you conceive a position with the following conditions:
- White, a pawn down, to move wins by a breakthrough
- Everything beyond a pawn-free file isn't counted in "pawn down"
- No free White pawns
- If a White pawn has passed a Black one, the latter isn't counted for "pawn down" either
- Black doubled pawns are OK
- No captures possible in the position
- Kings far away, play no role
(Note: After thinking ten seconds, I know the answer, but I still leave it as a puzzle for you. Feel free to think about how many pawns White can be down for a sufficient breakthrough.)