Somewhere I came across a description of street chess played in India (I think) with a number of non-standard rules. One of them was that when a pawn reaches the 8th rank, it must promote according to its file: a/h: rook, b/g: knight, c/f: bishop, d/e: queen.
Is there a name for the variant comprising just this rule?
It would seem to be a pretty interesting, mild variant that would still be very "chess-like", but would potentially throw out the opening theory, and completely upset some endgame theory. (For instance, K vs KPP where those pawns are in the b and g files would be a draw, and passed pawns in the b, c, f or g files would be valuable, but not necessarily game-winning). And there could be interesting strategy around trying to get c or f pawns into the d or e files, even if sacrificing pieces to make it happen.
Have any serious tournaments been played in this variant?