Chess engines are so strong that it is becoming increasingly hard to find positions that they are demonstrably evaluating incorrectly. I'm interested in collecting examples—if there are any—of positions where we know the correct evaluation, but that are very difficult for engines.
Below is a beautiful study that I encountered recently in Chapter 5 of the book Barrycades and Septoku: Papers in Honor of Martin Gardner and Tom Rodgers, by Thane Plambeck and Tomas Rokicki (eds.), MAA Press, 2020.
[Title "Carlos Pereira dos Santos, White To Play And Win"]
[FEN "bR2r3/2nK4/kp1pp1pp/p1R2p2/1P1P1P1P/p7/P2P3P/8 w - - 0 1"]
The engines I have access to are old and out of date, but after 1.b5+ Ka7 they want to play 2.Rxe8? and miss the winning continuation 2.Rxa8! Nxa8 3.Rc8! Rxc8 4.Kxc8 with a win for White. I would be curious to know if stronger engines are able to find this win. [EDIT: Thanks to Oscar Smith for pointing out that I can download Stockfish 11 for free. It had some difficulty at first, but after searching about 2.5 billion nodes it finally found 2.Rxa8!]
Years ago, there was a ChessBase article on this topic. They give some examples of positions, such as fortresses, where the engines' numerical evaluation is way off. However, sometimes the engine plays the position correctly anyway, finding the drawing moves even though it thinks it's losing, and such examples are not so interesting to me. What is more interesting to me is a position where the engine loses a position that a perfect player would draw, or draws (or even loses) a position that a perfect player would win.
Probably the best example from that article is a study by Behting, shown below.
[Title "K. K. Behting, Baltische Schachblätter 1908, White To Play And Draw"]
[FEN "8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - 0 1"]
As of 2012, careful analysis demonstrated that the study is sound but that engines had serious trouble with it. Is that still true today? [EDIT: It seems so; after searching 25 billion nodes, Stockfish 11 was still unsuccessfully trying the 1.Ng7+ line that is analyzed in detail here. EDIT 2: See this other chess.SE answer for an update as of 2022.]
There is one other type of example that I know about, namely tablebase positions where White has an extremely subtle win. For example, below is a position from another chess.SE question.
[Title "Lomonosov Tablebase, White To Play And Win"]
[FEN "6N1/3n4/3k1b2/8/1r6/5K1Q/8/8 w - - 3 8"]
Assuming the 50-move rule is not in effect, then 1.Kg2!! wins, while every other move draws (or loses material immediately). But the win takes over 500 moves. An engine without tablebases is unlikely to find 1.Kg2!! and even if it does, sooner or later it is bound to throw away the win.
Another (slightly simpler) example of this sort is the position below, which is a tablebase win for White, but the engines I've tried can't see past the opportunities to draw instantly. But such examples are perhaps not so interesting, since they are so utterly incomprehensible.
[Title "White To Play And Win"]
[FEN "1B6/8/4N3/6n1/8/8/5K2/7k w - - 0 1"]
In the process of typing up this question, I found another question on this site that asks a very similar question. Unfortunately, some of the answers there seem to be (no longer?) valid. Also, let me emphasize again that for my purposes, a fortress position that the engine thinks is losing but that it plays correctly anyway does not count.
In short, my question is this:
Are there other good examples of positions that stump engines?