This dilemma occurs in a variety of positions.
[FEN "r1bq1rk1/pp1nbpp1/5n1p/2pp4/3P3B/2NBPN2/PP3PPP/R2QK2R w KQ - 0 10"]
Here, it's white to move, and white has to choose between:
capturing black's c5 pawn, giving black an isolated queen's pawn, but we improve black's development with tempo,
make a developing move, thereby allowing black to play c4 on the next move, which creates a queenside majority of pawns, and can be dangerous later in the game.
This position is from Vasile vs. Voiculescu, where white chose to play a developing move (Rc1), and subsequently resigned after black eventually promoted the c-pawn.
Examples of famous players facing similar dilemmas: Short; Dreev; Giri. They have different positions and make different decisions.
Question: How do we decide whether we should do 1. or 2.?
Here, I don't simply mean in this specific position. I'm seeking general guidelines (or rules) as to when it is better to take, and when it is better to not take.