From the plot of games played under the Caro-Kann ECO codes (B10-19), the advance variation (in B12, but B12 does hold some other miscellaneous variations) has been consistently the most popular line since the 1990's and peaked at 1,803 games in 2008.
- I extracted the games from the Fritz for Fun 13 into PGN format
- I ran the following R code, which extracts the year (mandatory) and the ECO (optional). The games are filtered to ECO codes B10-19 (Caro-Kann) and for games from 1927. Why 1927? That is when it debuted at the top:
He [Capablanca] used it [the Caro-Kann] in his crushing strategic destruction of Aaron Nimzowitsch in the great New York tournament of 1927.
Source: The Caro-Kann: Move-by-Move by IM Lakdawala
- The raw number of games are then plotted over time. Unfortunately my data only goes to 2009
library(ggplot2) # For making the charts look nice
dat <- readLines("C:/Users/Peter/SkyDrive/Chess/Fritz for fun 13 database.pgn") # Read in the data from a local file
eco <- dat[grep("\\[ECO ",dat)] # Extract the ECO, if there is one
eco <- sub("\\[ECO \"","",eco)
eco <- sub("\"\\]","",eco)
year <- dat[grep("\\[Date ",dat)]
year <- sub("\\[Date [\"]","",year)
year <- sub("\\..*","",year)
year <- as.numeric(year)
ecoindex <- grep("\\[ECO ",dat) # Find which lines have an eco
yearindex <- grep("\\[Date ",dat)
yearindex <- yearindex + 5 # The date is always the 3rd pgn tag and is mandatory. The ECO, if present, is the 8th tag
matchindex <- yearindex %in% ecoindex # This code finds which games have both a year and eco tag
year <- year[matchindex] # Filter out games without an ECO
countgame <- table(eco,year)
countgame <- # Convert to a data frame
Carocode <- paste("B",10:19,sep="") # ECO codes for the Caro-Kann are B10-B19
Carogame <- countgame[which(countgame$eco %in% Carocode),] # Keep the data for the Caro-Kann ECO codes
Carogame$year <- as.numeric(as.character(Carogame$year))
Carogame <- Carogame[Carogame$year>=1927,]
p1 <- ggplot(Carogame,aes(x=year,y=Freq,group=eco))+geom_line(aes(colour=eco)) # Plot count of games
p1 <- p1 + ggtitle("Number of Caro-Kann games over time") + ylab("Number of games")