I want a software that will evaluate how much percent I am correct not just whether my move is the best move or not.
Chess engines do not usually evaluate moves as percentages (and I'm not even sure how that would work tbh), but by evaluating the position in terms of a normative standard (like the material value of 1 pawn, with +1 meaning white is up by 1 pawn, and -1 meaning that black is up by one pawn) assuming optimal play.
Simply put: every position has an evaluation based on positional and material considerations (which is engine dependent, hence why different engines would often assign different evaluations to the same position). Every move you make causes a transition between two distinct positions, and the quality of your move is the difference of this evaluation from the before to after position.
If the engine got the evaluation right, the optimal move has value 0. The value is 0 because the engine believes that this is the optimal move, and assigned the evaluation based on that move. From white's perspective, a sub-optimal move would have a value of < 0. A value of -0.3, for example, would typically mean that the position after the move was made is now 1/3 pawn worse than before.
Almost every chess engine I've come across can show you the difference in evaluation between two positions, or it is at least easy to calculate (if the evaluation went from 1.2 to 0.7 after white's move, then the move quality was -0.5, or half the value of a pawn, which is typically considered a reasonably big blunder). Shredder and DroidFish (which is free and available on Android) are examples of chess apps that provide this feature, but there are many others on pretty much every conceivable platform.
training software
but these are only available for openings as far as I know... The question is just fine and on topic, don't worry. Welcome to Chess SE!