I am a beginner in chess, and I am trying to learn how to play well. I am rated 800 in Chess.com, so I have a really low rating, and I am trying to improve it. I was playing a game and I have been in a position which I considered a good position in my opinion, but since it is the point of view of a beginner I would like to have a comparison with someone who is better than me at playing since the perception of what is a good position changes depending on the player.
I was almost at the beginning of the game and this was my position:
[fen "rn2kb1r/ppp2ppp/5n2/7q/4NPb1/3P1N2/PPP1B2P/R1BQK2R w - - 0 1"]
I had the white pieces and in this case is black turn to move. It was still the beginning so I am not sure it is possible to evaluate if the position is good or not at this early stage of the game.
Is it a good position? And which in your opinion would be the best move in this case?
I was thinking about moving the pawn in f4 to f5 in order to try to move the bishop to g5, which seems to me another good position.
What do you think? Thanks.