Especially for checking studies (maybe also for teaching), it would be helpful to have an engine finding the second best move and assess it (or even give refutations of all alternatives). For a tablebase position, this is trivial. Can the Lichess/Stockfish engine do that? If not, do (especially online) alternatives exist?

  • You're asking about "multiPV" option. Lot's of websites allow that.
    – SmallChess
    Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 15:09
  • Hauke Reddmann, i would like to suggest my answer my chosen as accepted because i was the 1st to comment or post, namely 1st to comment 'what do you mean? there's the multiple lines thing in lichess right? guess i don't really understand your question'. Had I understood what you meant, i could've answered it 1st and fully. btw i'm going to edit my answer
    – BCLC
    Commented Nov 20, 2021 at 19:37

2 Answers 2


Yeah engines can do it. Here's how you do it on Lichess:

enter image description here

Then when you run the analysis the engine gives three moves. You can increase the number of lines you want as well, which can be a waste since in this particular position, Black really only has one good move (...g6) so resources spent analyzing the 2nd-best (...Ke7) and 3rd-best (...Qf6) moves are wasted.


I'm not the biggest fan of chess dot com. As a 9LX player I of course prefer lichess but even chess dot com has this.

Just click show lines to get

enter image description here

the following

enter image description here

Go to settings to adjust number of lines:

enter image description here

Btw this is how it looks like on lichess:

Just 1 line:

enter image description here

Find multiple lines:

enter image description here

The final product:

enter image description here

What surprises me in particular about OP's question is that multiple lines option helps show how sharp/critical a position is. Eg I loaded a puzzle on lichess and here's what I have:

enter image description here

The red circle/oval/ellipse shows the only good move for black (good here means winning, not winning-or-drawish). The orange box shows there are 2 drawish moves. Finally the blue box shows the (least) bad moves (meaning [the least] winning for white). This setup of arranging by least to greatest evaluation shows that any other move is bad

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