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I find "Secrets of Pawnless Endings"Secrets of Pawnless Endings (Gambit, 2002) by John Nunn (pagepages 49 to 69) to be the ultimate reference about the KQvKR ending. All steps needed to force Philidor's 1777 position are described precisely, each position showing how to reduce to a previously seen position. 

The book of course covers stallmatestalemate cases (which are all obvious) and what I call "perpetual check attractors", that is, positions that allow the KR side to force a position where the R will be able to give perpetual check.

I find "Secrets of Pawnless Endings" by John Nunn (page 49 to 69) to be the ultimate reference about the KQvKR ending. All steps needed to force Philidor's 1777 position are described precisely, each position showing how to reduce to a previously seen position. The book of course covers stallmate cases (which are all obvious) and what I call "perpetual check attractors", that is, positions that allow the KR side to force a position where the R will be able to give perpetual check.

I find Secrets of Pawnless Endings (Gambit, 2002) by John Nunn (pages 49 to 69) to be the ultimate reference about the KQvKR ending. All steps needed to force Philidor's 1777 position are described precisely, each position showing how to reduce to a previously seen position. 

The book of course covers stalemate cases (which are all obvious) and what I call "perpetual check attractors", that is, positions that allow the KR side to force a position where the R will be able to give perpetual check.

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I find "Secrets of Pawnless Endings" by John Nunn (page 49 to 69) to be the ultimate reference about the KQvKR ending. All steps needed to force Philidor's 1777 position are described precisely, each position showing how to reduce to a previously seen position. The book of course covers stallmate cases (which are all obvious) and what I call "perpetual check attractors", that is, positions that allow the KR side to force a position where the R will be able to give perpetual check.