It's definitely not a good idea. If it were one, there would be a real opening for it. One problem with moving all your white-squared pawnpawns 1 space forward, is that you looselose so many moves evolvingdeveloping your figurespieces. However, this is the 'small' disadvantage. The big one is, that all of your white-squared fields squares are very weak.
Look at this position:
[fen ""]
1. a3 e5 2. c3 d5 3. e3 e4 4. g3 Nc6
Black just needs to put his figurespieces on nice spotssquares like for example Ne5 or Nc4
, Bg4 with Nf6
. Also a disadvantage is that you looselose much space. Your knights have nearly no spotssquares, where they can move. Bc1
is completely useless.
If you looselose your white-squared bishop, the black figurespieces will destroy you, because you can't defense everydefend all the white-squared field squares.