I've built a chess engine in Python which I've been testing against StockFish through the use of the Python-Chess package.
Testing against StockFish seems/is problematic, and as a result I'm looking for suggestions of engines to test against.
There are two major issues with testing against StockFish (the first much more significant than the next)
- StockFish is partially used in generating the training data for the engine's evaluation function.
- StockFish is extremely good, and even given extremely little time will perform well. This makes it difficult to see the changes in the engine's strategy which resulted from a change in the engine's code
The engines I'm hoping to play against need to have no serious bugs or problems, and ideally would play at levels similar or a bit below a human master, without spending too much time running them. UCI engines are prefered so that communicationmy engine can easily communicate with them through the Python-Chess API would be easy(note that this doesn't mean my engine supports UCI).
If it helps anyone to have some context, my engine is Batch First.