The Lomonosov 7-man Endgame Tablebase shows the following. With the Queen,Lomonosov 7-man Endgame Tablebase show that after the followingpromotion to a queen, Black can play 1. ..Re2+ Kd1,. Re2+ 2. Kd1 Rb2 Black! (sacrificing the rook) Qxb2, the Black king is stalemated.
Queen: If White doesn’t take the rook, then Black will take the queen and draw the game.
[FEN "8/1P6/3N4/8/8/3k4/r7/4KN2 w - - 0 1"]
1. b8=Q? Re2+ 2. Kd1 Rb2! 3. Qxb2 (3. Kc1 Rxb8)
LinkHowever, promoting to Lomonosov 7-Man Endgame Tablebase rook avoids the stalemate and wins the game.
[FEN "8/1P6/3N4/8/8/3k4/r7/4KN2 w - - 0 1"]
1. b8=R! Re2+ 2. Kd1 Rb2 3. Rxb2 Kc3