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{ [Event "Local Tournament"] [Site "?"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "3"] [White "Me"] [Black "Opponent"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1800"] [BlackElo "1800"] [ECO ""] [CurrentPosition "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 { My idea with the Nc3/e3 move order is to discourage dxc4 lines... } 3...dxc4 4.a4?! { I feel like this move was played because I wanted to enter my comfort zone. This is a psychological mistake, I think I should've taken the center immediately, right?! } ( 4.e4 b5 5.a4 b4 6.Na2 Nf6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bxc4 { Looks reasonably strong for white. } ) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3?! { I'm doing it again. Why not just play 5.e4? I would be taking away black's chance to develop ideally with ...Bf5. } 5...Bf5 { Much to my opponents satisfaction, we've now reached a main line. For some reason, I felt more comfortable reaching this main line (that I in fact don't know extremely well) than I did playing 4.e4 or 5.e4. } 6.e3 { My feeling is that 6.Nh4 leads to more interesting play, but I know 6.e3 is theory. } 6...e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.O-O h6?! { Now I believe black is wasting tempo, and I should poised to punish his play. My opinion is that spending a move on h6 to give an extra square for the bishop isn't worth the time. } 9.Qb3!? { I'm thinking that I will have play on the b-file by driving away the bishop on b4. } ( 9.Ne5 { Perhaps this is another viable choice? The knight seems more active on e5 and this is a typical idea in the slav. } ) 9...a5 { I was expecting 9...Qe7, which also defends b7. } ( 9...Qe7 10.Bd2 { And bring the rooks to the center. What's white's plan in this position? I'm not sure it's clear to me. } ) 10.Na2 Na6 { I thought I could easily win a pawn with 11.Bxa6, but I got taken aback by the rook coming to b6. } 11.Bd2? ( 11.Bxa6 Rxa6 12.Nxb4 Rb6 13.Bd2 Qd6 ( 13...Qe7 14.Nxc6 { Here I thought white would be a little better, but 13...Qd6 was the move that concerned me. } ) 14.Ne5! { This is the move that I failed to see. White is simply winning. } ) 11...Nd5! { Here, I realized that I allowed black to fully equalize. } 12.Bxb4 { Trading my bad pieces for his good ones seemed like my best chance here. } ( 12.Bxd5 { Runs into } 12...Qxd5! { And I still think black is equal. } ) 12...Naxb4 13.Nxb4 Nxb4 14.e4? { This is a very bad decision in my opinion. It's both a positional and psychological mistake. I'm trying to complicate matters here and create some sort of winning chances that aren't even here. My idea is to take on e6. } 14...Bxe4 15.Bxe6 O-O { This is the move that I failed to consider. Now I'm simply left with an isolated pawn and not enough control over the d5-square. } ( 15...fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Qe7 17.Qxe7+ Kxe7 18.Rfe1 $16 ) ( 15...Qe7 16.Rfe1 fxe6 ( 16...Qxe6 17.Qxe6+ fxe6 18.Rxe4 $14 ) ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf7+ $18 ) 17.Rxe4 $16 ) 16.Bg4 Qd5 ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf3 Qxd4 { I figured my best chance was to meet this with } 18.Rfd1 Qf6 19.Rd7 { And try to create counterplay. } ) 17.Qxd5 { I'm honestly not sure if avoiding an exchange gives me any better chances in this type of isolated pawn position. I didn't want to give him extra tempi though. } 17...Bxd5 18.Ne5 { Now I want to eliminate his bishop at all costs. } 18...Rad8 19.Rfd1 { Fighting in slightly worse positions seems like one of the hardest tasks in chess. Now I have to spend my time trying to find ways to liquidate my weak d-pawn at all costs. } 19...Rfe8 20.Ra3 { Finding it hard to develop this rook on the first rank, I lifted it. I don't know what else there even is here. } 20...Be6?! { Why would he play this? I was happy to liquidate his powerful light squared bishop. } 21.Bxe6 Rxe6 22.f4 Red6? ( 22...f6 { I think he can just play this and invade my 2nd rank with an easy game. } ) 23.Nc4!? { I thought that trading my d-pawn for the a-pawn was my best chance. } 23...Rxd4 24.Rxd4 Rxd4 25.Nxa5 b6 26.Nb3 Rd3 { No he's threatening Nc2, and it seems that I'm forced to place my knight on a1. } 27.Na1 Rxa3 { I was thinking that he might try to keep chances with his rook on the board, but maybe this gives me time for regrouping. } 28.bxa3 Nd5 29.g3 Kf8 30.Nb3 Ke7 31.Kf2 Kd6 32.a5 { Undoubling my pawns seems like it has to be the only try. } 32...bxa5 33.Nxa5 Nb6 34.Ke3 Kd5 35.Kd3 c5 36.Nb7 { Perhaps instead I should be advancing with 36. g4 or 36. f5 in order to restrict his chances of creating breakthroughs on the kingside. } 36...c4+ 37.Kc3 Na4+ 38.Kc2 f5 39.Na5 { I didn't know what else there was. } 39...g5 40.Nb7 gxf4 41.gxf4 { Now he has created a path on e4 for his king to win a pawn. At this point, I stopped recording moves because my time was very low. I still feel like I can draw this somehow, but I ended up losing the game. The a-pawn and c-pawn were traded, and black won my f-pawn. Then I for some reason didn't use my knight actively in defense of the f-pawn, and let it advance too far, losing the game. It's hard to play so many moves in a slightly worse position without cracking at some eventual point. I feel like there were many missed opportunities by both sides to punish the other. If it matters for anything, my opponent was young (maybe 10-12 years old), and we had 90 minutes for the game. } 0-1 }

Edit: I'm not sure if I got the PGN viewer set up properly. Let me know.

[Event "Local Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "Opponent"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1800"]
[BlackElo "1800"]
[ECO ""]
[FEN ""] 
[CurrentPosition "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 { My idea with the Nc3/e3 move order is to discourage dxc4 lines... } 3...dxc4 4.a4?! { I feel like this move was played because I wanted to enter my comfort zone. This is a psychological mistake, I think I should've taken the center immediately, right?! } ( 4.e4 b5 5.a4 b4 6.Na2 Nf6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bxc4 { Looks reasonably strong for white. } ) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3?! { I'm doing it again. Why not just play 5.e4? I would be taking away black's chance to develop ideally with ...Bf5. } 5...Bf5 { Much to my opponents satisfaction, we've now reached a main line. For some reason, I felt more comfortable reaching this main line (that I in fact don't know extremely well) than I did playing 4.e4 or 5.e4. } 6.e3 { My feeling is that 6.Nh4 leads to more interesting play, but I know 6.e3 is theory. } 6...e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.O-O h6?! { Now I believe black is wasting tempo, and I should poised to punish his play. My opinion is that spending a move on h6 to give an extra square for the bishop isn't worth the time. } 9.Qb3!? { I'm thinking that I will have play on the b-file by driving away the bishop on b4. } ( 9.Ne5 { Perhaps this is another viable choice? The knight seems more active on e5 and this is a typical idea in the slav. } ) 9...a5 { I was expecting 9...Qe7, which also defends b7. } ( 9...Qe7 10.Bd2 { And bring the rooks to the center. What's white's plan in this position? I'm not sure it's clear to me. } ) 10.Na2 Na6 { I thought I could easily win a pawn with 11.Bxa6, but I got taken aback by the rook coming to b6. } 11.Bd2? ( 11.Bxa6 Rxa6 12.Nxb4 Rb6 13.Bd2 Qd6 ( 13...Qe7 14.Nxc6 { Here I thought white would be a little better, but 13...Qd6 was the move that concerned me. } ) 14.Ne5! { This is the move that I failed to see. White is simply winning. } ) 11...Nd5! { Here, I realized that I allowed black to fully equalize. } 12.Bxb4 { Trading my bad pieces for his good ones seemed like my best chance here. } ( 12.Bxd5 { Runs into } 12...Qxd5! { And I still think black is equal. } ) 12...Naxb4 13.Nxb4 Nxb4 14.e4? { This is a very bad decision in my opinion. It's both a positional and psychological mistake. I'm trying to complicate matters here and create some sort of winning chances that aren't even here. My idea is to take on e6. } 14...Bxe4 15.Bxe6 O-O { This is the move that I failed to consider. Now I'm simply left with an isolated pawn and not enough control over the d5-square. } ( 15...fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Qe7 17.Qxe7+ Kxe7 18.Rfe1 $16 ) ( 15...Qe7 16.Rfe1 fxe6 ( 16...Qxe6 17.Qxe6+ fxe6 18.Rxe4 $14 ) ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf7+ $18 ) 17.Rxe4 $16 ) 16.Bg4 Qd5 ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf3 Qxd4 { I figured my best chance was to meet this with } 18.Rfd1 Qf6 19.Rd7 { And try to create counterplay. } ) 17.Qxd5 { I'm honestly not sure if avoiding an exchange gives me any better chances in this type of isolated pawn position. I didn't want to give him extra tempi though. } 17...Bxd5 18.Ne5 { Now I want to eliminate his bishop at all costs. } 18...Rad8 19.Rfd1 { Fighting in slightly worse positions seems like one of the hardest tasks in chess. Now I have to spend my time trying to find ways to liquidate my weak d-pawn at all costs. } 19...Rfe8 20.Ra3 { Finding it hard to develop this rook on the first rank, I lifted it. I don't know what else there even is here. } 20...Be6?! { Why would he play this? I was happy to liquidate his powerful light squared bishop. } 21.Bxe6 Rxe6 22.f4 Red6? ( 22...f6 { I think he can just play this and invade my 2nd rank with an easy game. } ) 23.Nc4!? { I thought that trading my d-pawn for the a-pawn was my best chance. } 23...Rxd4 24.Rxd4 Rxd4 25.Nxa5 b6 26.Nb3 Rd3 { No he's threatening Nc2, and it seems that I'm forced to place my knight on a1. } 27.Na1 Rxa3 { I was thinking that he might try to keep chances with his rook on the board, but maybe this gives me time for regrouping. } 28.bxa3 Nd5 29.g3 Kf8 30.Nb3 Ke7 31.Kf2 Kd6 32.a5 { Undoubling my pawns seems like it has to be the only try. } 32...bxa5 33.Nxa5 Nb6 34.Ke3 Kd5 35.Kd3 c5 36.Nb7 { Perhaps instead I should be advancing with 36. g4 or 36. f5 in order to restrict his chances of creating breakthroughs on the kingside. } 36...c4+ 37.Kc3 Na4+ 38.Kc2 f5 39.Na5 { I didn't know what else there was. } 39...g5 40.Nb7 gxf4 41.gxf4 { Now he has created a path on e4 for his king to win a pawn. At this point, I stopped recording moves because my time was very low. I still feel like I can draw this somehow, but I ended up losing the game. The a-pawn and c-pawn were traded, and black won my f-pawn. Then I for some reason didn't use my knight actively in defense of the f-pawn, and let it advance too far, losing the game. It's hard to play so many moves in a slightly worse position without cracking at some eventual point. I feel like there were many missed opportunities by both sides to punish the other. If it matters for anything, my opponent was young (maybe 10-12 years old), and we had 90 minutes for the game. }  0-1 

{ [Event "Local Tournament"] [Site "?"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "3"] [White "Me"] [Black "Opponent"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1800"] [BlackElo "1800"] [ECO ""] [CurrentPosition "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 { My idea with the Nc3/e3 move order is to discourage dxc4 lines... } 3...dxc4 4.a4?! { I feel like this move was played because I wanted to enter my comfort zone. This is a psychological mistake, I think I should've taken the center immediately, right?! } ( 4.e4 b5 5.a4 b4 6.Na2 Nf6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bxc4 { Looks reasonably strong for white. } ) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3?! { I'm doing it again. Why not just play 5.e4? I would be taking away black's chance to develop ideally with ...Bf5. } 5...Bf5 { Much to my opponents satisfaction, we've now reached a main line. For some reason, I felt more comfortable reaching this main line (that I in fact don't know extremely well) than I did playing 4.e4 or 5.e4. } 6.e3 { My feeling is that 6.Nh4 leads to more interesting play, but I know 6.e3 is theory. } 6...e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.O-O h6?! { Now I believe black is wasting tempo, and I should poised to punish his play. My opinion is that spending a move on h6 to give an extra square for the bishop isn't worth the time. } 9.Qb3!? { I'm thinking that I will have play on the b-file by driving away the bishop on b4. } ( 9.Ne5 { Perhaps this is another viable choice? The knight seems more active on e5 and this is a typical idea in the slav. } ) 9...a5 { I was expecting 9...Qe7, which also defends b7. } ( 9...Qe7 10.Bd2 { And bring the rooks to the center. What's white's plan in this position? I'm not sure it's clear to me. } ) 10.Na2 Na6 { I thought I could easily win a pawn with 11.Bxa6, but I got taken aback by the rook coming to b6. } 11.Bd2? ( 11.Bxa6 Rxa6 12.Nxb4 Rb6 13.Bd2 Qd6 ( 13...Qe7 14.Nxc6 { Here I thought white would be a little better, but 13...Qd6 was the move that concerned me. } ) 14.Ne5! { This is the move that I failed to see. White is simply winning. } ) 11...Nd5! { Here, I realized that I allowed black to fully equalize. } 12.Bxb4 { Trading my bad pieces for his good ones seemed like my best chance here. } ( 12.Bxd5 { Runs into } 12...Qxd5! { And I still think black is equal. } ) 12...Naxb4 13.Nxb4 Nxb4 14.e4? { This is a very bad decision in my opinion. It's both a positional and psychological mistake. I'm trying to complicate matters here and create some sort of winning chances that aren't even here. My idea is to take on e6. } 14...Bxe4 15.Bxe6 O-O { This is the move that I failed to consider. Now I'm simply left with an isolated pawn and not enough control over the d5-square. } ( 15...fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Qe7 17.Qxe7+ Kxe7 18.Rfe1 $16 ) ( 15...Qe7 16.Rfe1 fxe6 ( 16...Qxe6 17.Qxe6+ fxe6 18.Rxe4 $14 ) ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf7+ $18 ) 17.Rxe4 $16 ) 16.Bg4 Qd5 ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf3 Qxd4 { I figured my best chance was to meet this with } 18.Rfd1 Qf6 19.Rd7 { And try to create counterplay. } ) 17.Qxd5 { I'm honestly not sure if avoiding an exchange gives me any better chances in this type of isolated pawn position. I didn't want to give him extra tempi though. } 17...Bxd5 18.Ne5 { Now I want to eliminate his bishop at all costs. } 18...Rad8 19.Rfd1 { Fighting in slightly worse positions seems like one of the hardest tasks in chess. Now I have to spend my time trying to find ways to liquidate my weak d-pawn at all costs. } 19...Rfe8 20.Ra3 { Finding it hard to develop this rook on the first rank, I lifted it. I don't know what else there even is here. } 20...Be6?! { Why would he play this? I was happy to liquidate his powerful light squared bishop. } 21.Bxe6 Rxe6 22.f4 Red6? ( 22...f6 { I think he can just play this and invade my 2nd rank with an easy game. } ) 23.Nc4!? { I thought that trading my d-pawn for the a-pawn was my best chance. } 23...Rxd4 24.Rxd4 Rxd4 25.Nxa5 b6 26.Nb3 Rd3 { No he's threatening Nc2, and it seems that I'm forced to place my knight on a1. } 27.Na1 Rxa3 { I was thinking that he might try to keep chances with his rook on the board, but maybe this gives me time for regrouping. } 28.bxa3 Nd5 29.g3 Kf8 30.Nb3 Ke7 31.Kf2 Kd6 32.a5 { Undoubling my pawns seems like it has to be the only try. } 32...bxa5 33.Nxa5 Nb6 34.Ke3 Kd5 35.Kd3 c5 36.Nb7 { Perhaps instead I should be advancing with 36. g4 or 36. f5 in order to restrict his chances of creating breakthroughs on the kingside. } 36...c4+ 37.Kc3 Na4+ 38.Kc2 f5 39.Na5 { I didn't know what else there was. } 39...g5 40.Nb7 gxf4 41.gxf4 { Now he has created a path on e4 for his king to win a pawn. At this point, I stopped recording moves because my time was very low. I still feel like I can draw this somehow, but I ended up losing the game. The a-pawn and c-pawn were traded, and black won my f-pawn. Then I for some reason didn't use my knight actively in defense of the f-pawn, and let it advance too far, losing the game. It's hard to play so many moves in a slightly worse position without cracking at some eventual point. I feel like there were many missed opportunities by both sides to punish the other. If it matters for anything, my opponent was young (maybe 10-12 years old), and we had 90 minutes for the game. } 0-1 }

Edit: I'm not sure if I got the PGN viewer set up properly. Let me know.

[Event "Local Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "Opponent"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1800"]
[BlackElo "1800"]
[ECO ""]
[FEN ""] 
[CurrentPosition "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 { My idea with the Nc3/e3 move order is to discourage dxc4 lines... } 3...dxc4 4.a4?! { I feel like this move was played because I wanted to enter my comfort zone. This is a psychological mistake, I think I should've taken the center immediately, right?! } ( 4.e4 b5 5.a4 b4 6.Na2 Nf6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bxc4 { Looks reasonably strong for white. } ) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3?! { I'm doing it again. Why not just play 5.e4? I would be taking away black's chance to develop ideally with ...Bf5. } 5...Bf5 { Much to my opponents satisfaction, we've now reached a main line. For some reason, I felt more comfortable reaching this main line (that I in fact don't know extremely well) than I did playing 4.e4 or 5.e4. } 6.e3 { My feeling is that 6.Nh4 leads to more interesting play, but I know 6.e3 is theory. } 6...e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.O-O h6?! { Now I believe black is wasting tempo, and I should poised to punish his play. My opinion is that spending a move on h6 to give an extra square for the bishop isn't worth the time. } 9.Qb3!? { I'm thinking that I will have play on the b-file by driving away the bishop on b4. } ( 9.Ne5 { Perhaps this is another viable choice? The knight seems more active on e5 and this is a typical idea in the slav. } ) 9...a5 { I was expecting 9...Qe7, which also defends b7. } ( 9...Qe7 10.Bd2 { And bring the rooks to the center. What's white's plan in this position? I'm not sure it's clear to me. } ) 10.Na2 Na6 { I thought I could easily win a pawn with 11.Bxa6, but I got taken aback by the rook coming to b6. } 11.Bd2? ( 11.Bxa6 Rxa6 12.Nxb4 Rb6 13.Bd2 Qd6 ( 13...Qe7 14.Nxc6 { Here I thought white would be a little better, but 13...Qd6 was the move that concerned me. } ) 14.Ne5! { This is the move that I failed to see. White is simply winning. } ) 11...Nd5! { Here, I realized that I allowed black to fully equalize. } 12.Bxb4 { Trading my bad pieces for his good ones seemed like my best chance here. } ( 12.Bxd5 { Runs into } 12...Qxd5! { And I still think black is equal. } ) 12...Naxb4 13.Nxb4 Nxb4 14.e4? { This is a very bad decision in my opinion. It's both a positional and psychological mistake. I'm trying to complicate matters here and create some sort of winning chances that aren't even here. My idea is to take on e6. } 14...Bxe4 15.Bxe6 O-O { This is the move that I failed to consider. Now I'm simply left with an isolated pawn and not enough control over the d5-square. } ( 15...fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Qe7 17.Qxe7+ Kxe7 18.Rfe1 $16 ) ( 15...Qe7 16.Rfe1 fxe6 ( 16...Qxe6 17.Qxe6+ fxe6 18.Rxe4 $14 ) ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf7+ $18 ) 17.Rxe4 $16 ) 16.Bg4 Qd5 ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf3 Qxd4 { I figured my best chance was to meet this with } 18.Rfd1 Qf6 19.Rd7 { And try to create counterplay. } ) 17.Qxd5 { I'm honestly not sure if avoiding an exchange gives me any better chances in this type of isolated pawn position. I didn't want to give him extra tempi though. } 17...Bxd5 18.Ne5 { Now I want to eliminate his bishop at all costs. } 18...Rad8 19.Rfd1 { Fighting in slightly worse positions seems like one of the hardest tasks in chess. Now I have to spend my time trying to find ways to liquidate my weak d-pawn at all costs. } 19...Rfe8 20.Ra3 { Finding it hard to develop this rook on the first rank, I lifted it. I don't know what else there even is here. } 20...Be6?! { Why would he play this? I was happy to liquidate his powerful light squared bishop. } 21.Bxe6 Rxe6 22.f4 Red6? ( 22...f6 { I think he can just play this and invade my 2nd rank with an easy game. } ) 23.Nc4!? { I thought that trading my d-pawn for the a-pawn was my best chance. } 23...Rxd4 24.Rxd4 Rxd4 25.Nxa5 b6 26.Nb3 Rd3 { No he's threatening Nc2, and it seems that I'm forced to place my knight on a1. } 27.Na1 Rxa3 { I was thinking that he might try to keep chances with his rook on the board, but maybe this gives me time for regrouping. } 28.bxa3 Nd5 29.g3 Kf8 30.Nb3 Ke7 31.Kf2 Kd6 32.a5 { Undoubling my pawns seems like it has to be the only try. } 32...bxa5 33.Nxa5 Nb6 34.Ke3 Kd5 35.Kd3 c5 36.Nb7 { Perhaps instead I should be advancing with 36. g4 or 36. f5 in order to restrict his chances of creating breakthroughs on the kingside. } 36...c4+ 37.Kc3 Na4+ 38.Kc2 f5 39.Na5 { I didn't know what else there was. } 39...g5 40.Nb7 gxf4 41.gxf4 { Now he has created a path on e4 for his king to win a pawn. At this point, I stopped recording moves because my time was very low. I still feel like I can draw this somehow, but I ended up losing the game. The a-pawn and c-pawn were traded, and black won my f-pawn. Then I for some reason didn't use my knight actively in defense of the f-pawn, and let it advance too far, losing the game. It's hard to play so many moves in a slightly worse position without cracking at some eventual point. I feel like there were many missed opportunities by both sides to punish the other. If it matters for anything, my opponent was young (maybe 10-12 years old), and we had 90 minutes for the game. }  0-1 
Source Link

Slav Defense/Loss to 1800 player: how to improve?

This is a recent OTB tournament game I lost to a player of the same strength as me (1800). My feeling is that I played poor positional chess and continuously failed to capitalize on his suspect play. Any comments/critiques on strategy or tactics are greatly appreciated.

Thanks Everyone

{ [Event "Local Tournament"] [Site "?"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "3"] [White "Me"] [Black "Opponent"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1800"] [BlackElo "1800"] [ECO ""] [CurrentPosition "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 { My idea with the Nc3/e3 move order is to discourage dxc4 lines... } 3...dxc4 4.a4?! { I feel like this move was played because I wanted to enter my comfort zone. This is a psychological mistake, I think I should've taken the center immediately, right?! } ( 4.e4 b5 5.a4 b4 6.Na2 Nf6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Bxc4 { Looks reasonably strong for white. } ) 4...Nf6 5.Nf3?! { I'm doing it again. Why not just play 5.e4? I would be taking away black's chance to develop ideally with ...Bf5. } 5...Bf5 { Much to my opponents satisfaction, we've now reached a main line. For some reason, I felt more comfortable reaching this main line (that I in fact don't know extremely well) than I did playing 4.e4 or 5.e4. } 6.e3 { My feeling is that 6.Nh4 leads to more interesting play, but I know 6.e3 is theory. } 6...e6 7.Bxc4 Bb4 8.O-O h6?! { Now I believe black is wasting tempo, and I should poised to punish his play. My opinion is that spending a move on h6 to give an extra square for the bishop isn't worth the time. } 9.Qb3!? { I'm thinking that I will have play on the b-file by driving away the bishop on b4. } ( 9.Ne5 { Perhaps this is another viable choice? The knight seems more active on e5 and this is a typical idea in the slav. } ) 9...a5 { I was expecting 9...Qe7, which also defends b7. } ( 9...Qe7 10.Bd2 { And bring the rooks to the center. What's white's plan in this position? I'm not sure it's clear to me. } ) 10.Na2 Na6 { I thought I could easily win a pawn with 11.Bxa6, but I got taken aback by the rook coming to b6. } 11.Bd2? ( 11.Bxa6 Rxa6 12.Nxb4 Rb6 13.Bd2 Qd6 ( 13...Qe7 14.Nxc6 { Here I thought white would be a little better, but 13...Qd6 was the move that concerned me. } ) 14.Ne5! { This is the move that I failed to see. White is simply winning. } ) 11...Nd5! { Here, I realized that I allowed black to fully equalize. } 12.Bxb4 { Trading my bad pieces for his good ones seemed like my best chance here. } ( 12.Bxd5 { Runs into } 12...Qxd5! { And I still think black is equal. } ) 12...Naxb4 13.Nxb4 Nxb4 14.e4? { This is a very bad decision in my opinion. It's both a positional and psychological mistake. I'm trying to complicate matters here and create some sort of winning chances that aren't even here. My idea is to take on e6. } 14...Bxe4 15.Bxe6 O-O { This is the move that I failed to consider. Now I'm simply left with an isolated pawn and not enough control over the d5-square. } ( 15...fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Qe7 17.Qxe7+ Kxe7 18.Rfe1 $16 ) ( 15...Qe7 16.Rfe1 fxe6 ( 16...Qxe6 17.Qxe6+ fxe6 18.Rxe4 $14 ) ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf7+ $18 ) 17.Rxe4 $16 ) 16.Bg4 Qd5 ( 16...Bxf3 17.Bxf3 Qxd4 { I figured my best chance was to meet this with } 18.Rfd1 Qf6 19.Rd7 { And try to create counterplay. } ) 17.Qxd5 { I'm honestly not sure if avoiding an exchange gives me any better chances in this type of isolated pawn position. I didn't want to give him extra tempi though. } 17...Bxd5 18.Ne5 { Now I want to eliminate his bishop at all costs. } 18...Rad8 19.Rfd1 { Fighting in slightly worse positions seems like one of the hardest tasks in chess. Now I have to spend my time trying to find ways to liquidate my weak d-pawn at all costs. } 19...Rfe8 20.Ra3 { Finding it hard to develop this rook on the first rank, I lifted it. I don't know what else there even is here. } 20...Be6?! { Why would he play this? I was happy to liquidate his powerful light squared bishop. } 21.Bxe6 Rxe6 22.f4 Red6? ( 22...f6 { I think he can just play this and invade my 2nd rank with an easy game. } ) 23.Nc4!? { I thought that trading my d-pawn for the a-pawn was my best chance. } 23...Rxd4 24.Rxd4 Rxd4 25.Nxa5 b6 26.Nb3 Rd3 { No he's threatening Nc2, and it seems that I'm forced to place my knight on a1. } 27.Na1 Rxa3 { I was thinking that he might try to keep chances with his rook on the board, but maybe this gives me time for regrouping. } 28.bxa3 Nd5 29.g3 Kf8 30.Nb3 Ke7 31.Kf2 Kd6 32.a5 { Undoubling my pawns seems like it has to be the only try. } 32...bxa5 33.Nxa5 Nb6 34.Ke3 Kd5 35.Kd3 c5 36.Nb7 { Perhaps instead I should be advancing with 36. g4 or 36. f5 in order to restrict his chances of creating breakthroughs on the kingside. } 36...c4+ 37.Kc3 Na4+ 38.Kc2 f5 39.Na5 { I didn't know what else there was. } 39...g5 40.Nb7 gxf4 41.gxf4 { Now he has created a path on e4 for his king to win a pawn. At this point, I stopped recording moves because my time was very low. I still feel like I can draw this somehow, but I ended up losing the game. The a-pawn and c-pawn were traded, and black won my f-pawn. Then I for some reason didn't use my knight actively in defense of the f-pawn, and let it advance too far, losing the game. It's hard to play so many moves in a slightly worse position without cracking at some eventual point. I feel like there were many missed opportunities by both sides to punish the other. If it matters for anything, my opponent was young (maybe 10-12 years old), and we had 90 minutes for the game. } 0-1 }

Edit: I'm not sure if I got the PGN viewer set up properly. Let me know.